Live Stoner Chat I am the Eekman,....I am the Eekman.....(whewww)..... I am the walrus!


Medical Section Advisor
Dec 13, 2012
Reaction score

Good Morning Everyone at AFN,

I have been viewing this site for about three months. I finally decided to register. Why two months you ask? Well I shall explain. For about since July, I Had my outdoor grow goin on, and started ponderin' about what I would do during the winter, now that my new found hobby had taken hold in me. I had heard of Autoflowering strains but did not hold much interest, (low yields, low potency assumptions, etc.) Well after thinking it through, and really studying up on the most current information on AF's, AND, considering I had light problems late in my outdoor grow, I only grossed like around 5 ounces out of 5 plants, I decided to go for it. The final decision was made when I went into a collective (here in Nor-Cal), and they were offering AF beans. I donated for two packs. I am disappointed in what has occurred so far. These beans are supposed to get this company going, but I germinated ten beans, all popped, unfortunately only four females came out. However, before I decree these beans "inferior", as the MasterEek I may deem, I need to germ the other beans and see if I don't get at least 6 fem's. So although disappointed, we are not yet done.:smoke:

My girlfriend is a registered member, let us see if you can connect us.

I am from near the City of Trees, (code name) California.
I am an Old Fart
If I don't know the facts, I can make them up to fit my needs.
I have a heart the size a honda cvcc
My family is my everything. Don't mess.

I believe whole plant oil ingestion is the fountain of youth, and I am living proof.

I don't know what else to say, Umm, lifelong user, got a dog and a cat, kids, grandkids, etc. I have spent much time in the surrounding areas of Redding, CA.

Trout fishing?


welcome you old geezer! from another old geezer!:gthumb:i have the same list right to grandkids!
Hi all, With this get two!
I am the g/f Eek spoke of.

As Eek said, we believe in the medical properties of the whole plant - roots, stems, leaves and buds. Eek tokes and I make medidibles, oils for ingesting and topical rubs that heal and sooth.

We had an outdoor photo grow last season, yield wasn't as good as we wanted but we more than made up for that with things we learned.
We have 5 of our 10 autos going right now, a male and female for seeds and three girls in the closet. I have the males in the freezer right now waiting for me to make medicine out of them. Yes, the males work too.

I have gotten very excited about all the medical properties of the whole cannabis plant over this last year. I had a large skin cancer on my back. I made a cannabis salve to put on it and it did help, but I still oped to have mohs surgery to get rid of it. That left me with an open surgical wound of 2" X 1". The Dr said it would take 6 months to a year to close. After 3 weeks I made a canna-salve and regrew new skin (completely closing the wound) in 12 days! I do have pictures if anyone is interested.

I enjoy this forum, lots of information and help.
Welcome to the both of you EEKman and Root.:group:enjoy the vibe and info. Glad to hear you are making remedies with the entire plant.:thumbs: Much luck with all your experiments, to the both of you... Cool i just welcomed 2 members in one shot:dance:. Give the site rules a look through, not many of them, but we live by them. They are in my signature,, if you wanna take a gander
Wow. I too am really diggin' the vibe you two have going and look forward to some documentation of grows. I just told my wife about the Canna salve and she is in awe. Great stuff I tell ya. So glad to have you as part of the family, both of you. Welcome welcome with all 10 appendages I have. :D

We have been working on a lot of things since the OD harvest. One of our projects is creating awareness for the use of cbd oils, and alkali oils, and whole plant oils. We will be trying to get people to create and use thier oils as a whole health remedy. I make no claim medically. However personally, I am a new man since using cbd oil. I will be moving to a whole plant oil when readily available, but for the time being, the cbd oil is an enrichment I would rather not do without. The to main benefactors I get from ingesting cbd oil are...

1) The fatigue in my muscles is completely gone. I, for about 4 years had something where when I got physically tired, my muscles felt like they were on fire, making every step and every action seem like it was climbing yosemite falls (if you have ever done this, not in shape, you know what I mean, lol, I almost died, haha). The fatigue was like complete exhaustion of the muscles. But now it is a memory.

2) I have more energy. I think yes that without the fatigue I am freer to move about better. But now when I am working, I feel faster, quicker and more likely to tackle projects with motivation. I don't feign away from a task because the thought of how much of an ordeal it would be. I am almost eager, not bad for an almost fifty year old dude.

3) I know I said two, but this is only a suspiscion. I have lost about 8 pounds since the beginning of my regimen. Four months, two pounds per. I don't feel munchie-like when I am bored, I am more apt to do something instead of eat.

Also, I am under the belief that whole plant oil has cancer prevention properties. I get this from a few specific sources, but if you would like to read about it, you could google search Tommy Chong's cancer curing treatment. A little different, as they are claiming cure, I just want to prevent. I do not have any solid evidence to present, I will leave that to Dr's and researchers, but at one time there was no evidence that mold could cure stuff either.


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"New member's guide"
There's a few good link's in my sig.​
One of our projects is creating awareness for the use of cbd oils, and alkali oils, and whole plant oils.

Looks like you are working with Me then....:D..I've just got a load of med volunteers line up..with PH meters..that aren't afraid to use them...

We are going to plot the PH points.

We need as much Help as we can get...and you are in the Right Homework.

Also..whole plant maniac.I wanna use everything but the I'd Love to have you join in.

Give me a Yell if you are interested..:thumbs:

Have a great weekend..:smokebuds: