Indoor HSO Blue Dream Auto DWC

Sep 6, 2012
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Hey guys this is my first attemp at an auto in DWC .. I am in the process of growing out a Reserva Prevada Tangie at the moment, that seems to be going very well so I thought I'm gonna give a go at this last auto I had and see what happens.. I'll give you a little background on the grow

Tent: 3 x 1.7 x 5
Lights: 300w Mars LED
Nutrients: AN Sensi bloom A & B (I'm following tangs easy schedule) Hydro guard, Overdrive, and cal mag.. I may use some of the additives later on if I see fit..

A little background on the Blue Dream also.. I had for about 7 to 8 days in the tent with the tangie and she was only getting 12/12 lighting.. from around day 8 to 16 which would be today she has seen nothing but 24/0 light cycle and ever since her roots have dropped into the water she has done nothing but take off .. her roots dropped around day 13 and she was a small little lady but in the last 3 days she has gone crazy in growth.. this being an auto and her slow start I don't know how much bigger she will get as most of these blue dreams I have seen grow start to show her lady parts around day 21 hopefully she last a little longer than that and get some good veg growth on her.. if she's small its my fault but we will see how things go.. I wil try to get on here and give as many updates as I can.

here she is at day 16

I said I would update as much as possible but it's been awfully busy around here this last week.. It's been about 7 days since my last update and hopefully this week I will get around to some more updates.. well here she is at day 23.. I've gotten some good growth out of her could be better but I'll take it.. the roots are looking awfully healthy and she is already showed me that she's a lady blue dream haha.. I would say she should stretch out a little in the next week and then on to the flowering phase.. I've got her around 400ppm and she seems to be liking it.. only issue is a little discoloration in a leaf or two but other than that seems to be good!

Blue Dream Auto
Day 23

Whats up guys? I thought I'd get a few pics after her res change. She has been doing pretty well, except for a little discoloration of the bottom leaves. her roots have easily doubled and I can tell how much she's grown each and every day in the past 3 days.. so far so good. Here are a few pics of her on day 26..

HSO Blue Dream Auto
hey guys been a few days. I figured I'd get a little update in .. I've been keeping her at 24/0 light. She is really responding to the extra food also.. I've got her around 700 ppm and she seems to be loving it.. only 3 days later and she's been busy growing.. its now day 29. I'm ready for her to start on those buds!!! I know it wont be long!! well her she is at day 29...

HSO Blue Dream Auto
Day 29

hey guys been a few days. I figured I'd get a little update in .. I've been keeping her at 24/0 light. She is really responding to the extra food also.. I've got her around 700 ppm and she seems to be loving it.. only 3 days later and she's been busy growing.. its now day 29. I'm ready for her to start on those buds!!! I know it wont be long!! well her she is at day 29...

HSO Blue Dream Auto
Day 29

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I've done the hso blue dream in dwc very nice smell from those girls. Your girl has some nice roots going on now it looks like she's off to the races !
@IceWater421 I can tell ya now she's awfully stinky already.. you don't happen to have a grow journal of your blue dream do ya? I'll check here in a bit I'd love to see how she ended up! I can tell ya what this blue dream is doing way better than my tangie I have going also.. I do believe you are right, she is off to races, I can see new amazing growth every single day from her!!
@IceWater421 I can tell ya now she's awfully stinky already.. you don't happen to have a grow journal of your blue dream do ya? I'll check here in a bit I'd love to see how she ended up! I can tell ya what this blue dream is doing way better than my tangie I have going also.. I do believe you are right, she is off to races, I can see new amazing growth every single day from her!!
I grow her before I became a member lol so no journals on her. I had the blueberry pheno and the sativa pheno . That strain gets nice trichrome coverage . Your girl looks a lot like a friend of mines did we called it the spinach pheno lol on the account of the leafs looking so thick . He's did really nice was abit slower though think he chopped day 77-80 I'd have to ask him.
She is gaining ground now! Everyday I go check on her, she has noticeable growth! I was afraid of growing an auto in dwc but it hasn't been bad at all! and the growth is amazing!!! as of right now she is still just on sensi bloom A and B and cal mag.. 700 ppm is what she is liking at the moment. everything seems to be on par so lets see where this goes.. she is on day 35 ..

HSO Blue Dream Auto
Day 35

I went in and checked on her to see how she was and she had done a bit of growing. Last night I decided that I wold up the PPM and throw her up to 900 ppm, well actually around 944.. when I checked the ppm she had dropped to around 860 and dropped some ppm, so she's taking in nutes for sure. She is looking fantastic so far and the root system is looking awesome as well!!... Let's just hope I can keep her happy all the way through flower! Now we are on day 38.

HSO Blue Dream
Day 38

Whats up guys, its only only been a few days but I felt like I needed to get an update on here. She has been going crazy in the last 3 days! She is about the same size of a photoperiod tangie I have going also now and I let the tangie veg for around 35 days or so .. I do believe if I can keep her happy I am going to pull off an excellent haul! 42 days in and she seems to be doing great! I have her back around 800 ppms now and seems to be loving it!

HSO Blue Dream Auto
Day 42