DIY How to put up Mylar


Honey Hugger ...
Jun 16, 2012
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Anybody got any tips about how to put up mylar ? Last I put up was a pain in the ass with all it's curling up on the edges and corners ... This time I'm going to run a piece of tape along the back on each cut to try and keep it from curling ... any other ideas would be appreciated ....
Iuse 2 face carpet tape to hang mine,Run the strips along the wall first.I leave the mylar on the roll and pull out just enuf to stick the loose edge on the wall.after you get your leading edge down you just slowly unroll it down the wall on the roll keeping it tight and press it firm each time you hit the next strip of carpet tape.When i hit the bottom of the wall i just run a razor along the bottom to cut it off the roll-ends up being smooth and tight-no wrinkles.
I also use double face tape and it works great. Sticks well and can be easily removed if need be.
Thanks guys ... I'll give it a try ... :bong:
When I wallpapered my cabinet I rolled the mylar the opposite way to which it was delivered, and kept it rolled for half hour, once unrolled it, s pretty much flat and made the job a lot easier
I use some spray on adhesive (3M ) you can get it at any hardware store , Get some cardboard panels, cut them to size.spray them with the glue, let them get tacky, apply the mylar . Then I thumb tack the panels to the sides of my room .walah ! Removable panels that I can switch out as they get all sticky and yuck from the sick ass colas spreding resin all over the walls.
Mylar can be a major pain in the ass!!!! One person is better than 2..
I pre rolled onto the surface. Pulled the loose leading edge back 1/2 way exposing the cabinet face. Spray adhesive and roll the Mylar back on like your tinting a window. Switch sides rinse and repeat :) Worked real nice for me and was fairly easy one manned.
Yea, I hate mylar. Biggest pain in the ass. I swear I'l fork out the extra dough next time for panda film.
Spray on glue!!! -don't breath-watch out about were that overspray is landing (lights, plants, ect) Roll out-roll back-spray -roll down--smooth----what he said.