How to find a poll on flushing?

This has been discussed in extreme detail in the thread below. From what I gather most here don't flush, including myself.

I'm new and on my first grow while reading and watching YouTube videos. I would have thought I should flush then the more I look around it seems not to flush is the way to go.
I feed all the way to harvest and have had no ill effects. If anything my harvest was a bit larger due to the plants having all the available nutrients they needed all the way till chop.
This site really is tops for first hand grower experience. Many active members are long term hobbyists and or professional growers. You are still mostly getting opinions of course but these are very often opinions backed by decades of experience on many thousands of plants.

There are some pretty good growers doing things on YouTube, but way more of them are hacks. You are getting much more reliable advice on AFN than the vast majority of YouTube grow bros or most other online growing forums for that matter. I have spent time on most of the major grow forums and AFN has by far the most knowledgeable and friendly community with the lowest number of trolls I have ever encountered.