Outdoor How tall will they get? (Day 34)

May 26, 2016
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These girls are really reaching for the ceiling. 31 inches at only day 34. Big Bang Auto is the strain by Flash. I never thought they would grow this tall so fast. I bought 5 seeds and 2 are 31 inches tall while 2 more are between 25-28 inches with one 17 inches tall and very bushy. What a big difference in growth. All are flowering differently as well. Oh well...... I am just glad they are growing, and healthy in my opinion.


I have to keep Diatomatious Earth sprinkled on all the plants because of the grasshopper problem. Grasshoppers here are as big as Volkswagons.......
Feminized seeds, and they all have buds except one is male but removed from greenhouse. I will get bud shots later up close. This is the male out of the 5 seeds that are supposed to be all girls.
Feminized seeds, and they all have buds except one is male but removed from greenhouse. I will get bud shots later up close. This is the male out of the 5 seeds that are supposed to be all girls.
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Here are pics of the bud sites on the tall girls. I surely hope they are girls. If not they sure are some hairy dudes :0

They are just really linky girls, but they are ALIVE !!!
They could double in height but should stop stretching soon since they are well into budding ... :vibe:

Sure look healthy ... :woohoo1:
They could double in height but should stop stretching soon since they are well into budding ... :vibe:

Sure look healthy ... :woohoo1:
Chester you have noooo idea how much that comment is music to my ears, as I made a huge mess out of my first grow. 4 plants didn't give enough to even make a joint. Although I don't smoke. The tallest one was 7 inches tall. That goes into the failed category if even qualify for any category at all. Lol. So proud of this second grow up to this point.
Wish I didn't have to use the powder but if I didn't they would be destroyed by (Chopper Sized) grasshoppers over night. I am hoping to go all the way to harvest so I can make tincture, and canna balm for pain. I also would like to infuse some rubbing alchahol.
Try praying mantis for grasshoppers (I am) also next grow look into plant training lst then Scrog because cfls have to be within a few inches of the buds for them to be good lights.

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