New Grower How obvious is the amber?

Mar 4, 2015
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Dumb noob question. I see pics of trics that are amber and milky all over the web, but exactly how obvious is it when they turn amber? I'm looking a my plants that have been flowering for about 7 weeks now and when I use my loupe with natural lighting some of the trics seem to be a little amber. When I hit them with a light they all look milky. Do you guys use a light when checking trics? I prefer a more heady high than couch lock, so I don't want these things to go too long before harvesting. The sugar leaves are still green, but leaning towards yellowing.
Noob question, yes, but if it's dumb, there's two of us!
if theyre a deep deep white with slight speckles thats whatcha want man.that'll stone ya good and if its a nice sati strain you'll go to the moon dude,they wont look cloudy at all under an LED loupe either.they should be fully white or mostly at any rate n thats where ya wanna take yer.slight speckeling will tell you the oil is purely mature,and at its height of potency in my dealings.should stink n taste mighty scrumptious too:Sharing One:

Different lights give you different results...I use a scope that light the trics from a dark room.

As Eyes says..probably your best bet is to look for Speckles..Good Luck..:goodluck:
I like to use a camera and zoom in to check trichs on my ladies.

My eyes aren't as good as they used to be.
I think it can vary from strain to strain as to amber intensity.
Check out the Macro Thread.
I take a bunch of macros and you can see how the amber progresses in various strains.:Sharing One:

Oh wait, thats ronins :'D
When they are amber it is obvious, also some strains may not amber up regardless how long you wait.
Amber will change the effect to sleepy couch lock, is that what you want to achieve?
yeah the macro or zooming on a decent screen with a fair camera will do wonders if ya take the time to snap several of each plant.Ronin does what i do when my eyes arent working so well great tip man,but in a group of saayyy maybe 50- tric heads you'll see deep deep white with some light speckling n thats when your ready for a sati high and/or top oil maturity imo dealing with autos,and many photos too esp. for that sati high.but a pure sati imho should go about 20% amber,ive done that with several verses others and the amber is sweeter,fuller and better over all in every category too.Nice pic too btw Ronin.looks like a tangelo and SD i did not long ago lol lovely!
When they are amber it is obvious, also some strains may not amber up regardless how long you wait.
Amber will change the effect to sleepy couch lock, is that what you want to achieve?

I'm hoping to keep it a more heady, less motivation killing high. So I definitely want to harvest before too much amber shows.