Indoor How much water PLEASE HELP!

Dec 6, 2013
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Hello i just went down to see my girls they are all spouted the first 2 leaves like the very very small ones, i have been keeping the soil just above the seed moist but everything elce around is dry down like 6 inches, now what i did i poured about 500ml's of water in a ring around them not on them but around them thinking the soi under will soak up and stay a little moist what should i do not water them at all? or what
you are good mate, give then a day or two and do it again with the 500 ml and just a bit on them too, just a bit. You want the roots to search down for the water and keeping them a bit dryer is better.
I remember reading an article on this, which gave a really useful and easily understood explanation.

If you look at ANY tree in nature, when it rains, the leaves/branches/foliage form a natural umbrella effect, with the rainwater being deposited in a circular pattern, with a diamter that measures the natural above ground canopy ... which itself generally mirrors the root network under the surface.

Copy nature.

Water to where you want the root network to be.
Make it search, and by making it 'work', you encourage its development.

Sounds great in theory.
It seems perfectly logical, and also observable in nature.
I have no worthwhile counter-argument, so I'm going to accept it as sound advice.