New Grower How much to manicure???

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Dutch Passion Hired Assassin
Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
I have searched a little here and I have not found a thread dedicated to this topic, if I am way off, please post a link, but I would loke to know how much of the "sugar Leaves" to trim off the buds, before hanging them. If anyone has any pics to post, I would really appreciate it! Thanks AFN
it all comes down to prefrance i beive... for me i cut a majority off unless there just blasted with trichs..i take all the leaves and trimmings and runn them through my 5gall 5 bag hash kit...makes some nice smoke for sure.
i recomend u give it a try
well i forgot to ask are you supplying ppl in ur neighborhood or is it a personal use only, is it for dispesary?

becasue if it was for other ppl id leave some on just for me a p.o.s but every decimal counts.
if it was for me. it would be trimmed as trimmed can get unless ofcourse therejust smashed with trichs then id leave som
dispencarys look for quality so trimming all is prob. manditory
hell yeah!! my favorite part of growing is trimming...sizors and trimmers geting all stiky with resin and trics. mmmmmm mmm. cant wait to b doing some of that my self.. i like to trim to nofx - the decline... as its long as hell and it jams
Good pruning sheers are key, I like to leave the non fan leaves, covered with sugar, they curl up protecting the bud. They are just as potent, and after curing properly they taste the same as the bud itself. After drying, if you still have some leaves that are not in shape with the bud jutting out, I trim those off. Some finely manicure the cola for personal use and do what I said for the remaining branches. The non-fan leaves I would keep, but then again, if you are making hash, then the more the merrier.. No wrong way really.
Leaving some of the smaller leaves on the plant does help to protect the trics and keep them from getting knocked off. But if it's not for personal use people just want buds. They don't bother to even look and see that those leaves are covered with trics. I usually take all the leaves off before I hang them. To me it's easier to remove them while still green rather than when they are dried out. All the leaves and trimmings then go into the hash bin.
I am kind of picky about manicuring my buds for my self I find that the less leaf the better the bud taste but that's just my opinion . I like to take off any leaf that has more than one finger and I like to try to cut those as close to the stem as possable and as far as sugar leaves I usually will end up just cutting them in half or completely off depending on the amount of trichs on it . Like everyone said it just preference but I prefer neat clean leafless bud and I get a bunch of trim of my plants for hash which I prefer anyways :bong: