Indoor how much lime is to much?


Auto Flower Expert
Jul 21, 2015
Reaction score
Added about 8 Tbs to raise ph need it raised one more time will it be okay for me to add 8 more Tbs to 4 gallons of soil
5.3 lime raised it to 5.8 and its garden lime the kind u get from wolly world

added first bit about week and a half
would also like to add its pelleted and has low water solubility disn't think it would cause immediate harm to the plants i must be wrong this is why I asked.
Hi Scrappy,

While lime has a low solubility in water the low pH of your soil will cause a chemical reaction with the lime that will neutralize the acid in the soil. You are already at about double what I typically use in my soil. What you have added should last 6-8 weeks without any issue. You already have seen a significant pH increase and if you over do it you can easily push the pH over 8 which will get you into trouble the other direction. I would wait at least another week as I believe you will continue to see pH increase and you are not that far from where you want to be. Just my 2 cents
I think oldster is right on :) I'd keep monitoring the pH,Scrappy, and expect it will climb slowly for a bit. I've only had to add garden lime once, when I was using a test soil, and I remember that I crushed the pellets (and, used 1/4 cup for 10 gals of soil) to get it to respond more quickly.
Since you're getting closer to good pH (at 5.8), I'd go with oldster's advise :)
well crap hope I didnt f it up by adding to much lime :0 I'll test it later tonight n get back at you guys thanks.
well crap hope I didnt f it up by adding to much lime :0 I'll test it later tonight n get back at you guys thanks.
Chin up :) Looks like it may turn out ok. Keep us posted, and let's all twist one up and enjoy :smokeout: