Indoor How much and how often do you water seedlings?

Apr 18, 2016
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With all the information on proper watering techniques for autoflowers, I feel there is a lack of info on watering seedlings. I am specifically, not exclusively, interested with final pot method, using soiless mediums.

My thoughts are, there are 3 stages in growth. Seedling, vegetative, flowering. Each stage should have there own watering practices.
The majority of us are planting in final pots to avoid transplant shock. I treat my seedlings as if they are in a solo cup. I want to mimic "up potting" as best I can. My routine might look something like this.

Day 1,2: Using a syringe I will give 20ml warm, bubbled, tap water, directly down the base of seedling.

Day 3-5: 30 ml, in the same manner

Day 6: 50 ml

Day 7-14: by this time I am watering every other day with 50 ml.

Day 15: 100 ml.

Day 16: 150 ml.

Day 17: nil.

Day 18: 200ml.

Day 19: nil.

Day 20: 250ml.

By this time, it's safe to say we are in the vegetative stage, allowing the pot to dry out a bit more.

Of course, these amounts all depend on my temps, RH, air circulation, etc...and subject to change upon observation. If the top is wet, I wait.

Please, if you would, share your thoughts and practices on this subject.
Best $30 I ever spent was on my Hudson 3 gal sprayer. I can't quite lift 3 gal but it's all I use until the plant is too big and spraying is no longer convenient. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] killer of pot is water. Stick with spraying and you'll get bored before you ever drown a seedling. I never use anything in my sprayer except tap water.
I just use a cheap spray bottle I picked up at the grocery store, but I agree, it's an easy way to keep from overdoing it.
Best $30 I ever spent was on my Hudson 3 gal sprayer. I can't quite lift 3 gal but it's all I use until the plant is too big and spraying is no longer convenient. [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] killer of pot is water. Stick with spraying and you'll get bored before you ever drown a seedling. I never use anything in my sprayer except tap water.
I just use a cheap spray bottle I picked up at the grocery store, but I agree, it's an easy way to keep from overdoing it.

I use LED. Sprayers aren't an option with LED, unless you have time to let them dry before placing back, under lights.

I guess I should have been more specific in the title. I am more interested in the quantity and frequency of watering seedlings. Any input on that?
I use LED. It works fine. You spray the dirt.
Ahhhhh. I gotcha. I assume you don't use the mist setting...?
So, you only spray, for the entire life of the seedling?
I use led, and the mist setting, pump it up and spray until it gets old (not the plant, just standing there spraying.)
I spray Canna Rhiz on my seedlings for the first two weeks. I mix Rhiz into my water feed as well.

This dude knows what's up. Only product I use from Canna and it's worth every penny.