It varies dependent on strain Chico and even then guides are an approxamation. Reading the plants will tell you when they're done - signs of the plant eating its leaves and trichome colour are the best indicators that your ladies are ready to harvest.
Posting photos will generally aid the advice that you're given.
Strains are highly varied as are grower environments and products used. Whatever the published grow time-frame, you should add a week or two. That is kind of an unwritten rule.
there are so many variables that is one the hardest autoflower questions to answer... but at ruff guess 10 to 12 weeks is the average with some going 8 - 9... if its a heavy sativa then you may go the full 14weeks... some times the pot size will add a week or two if you go super large... outdoor often finish a little late if they have gone in the ground
the trick is to learn to read your plants, I never go by the week with auto's I let the plant tell me when she is ready at each stage... it was ever so baffling at the beginning, other said the same to me but the more I grew the easier this became.
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