New Grower How Long do you LST for?

Mar 30, 2014
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Tied down my top today. She is a little over 2 weeks old. How long do you normally tie the top down for on an auto? I am guessing 3-5 days for the chemicals to kick in and let the side shoots know to do their thing.


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I waited until mine was bigger, and haven't untied it at all. It has been tied down for weeks. I do check it once in a while to make sure it isn't cutting into it, or pulling too tight. I'm a new grower, so maybe I am supposed to untie it at some point, but the plant seems to be doing fine.
I keep tying down the tallest point of the plant. Tie down the top let the lowers catch up. Wait a while until there is a definite dominant top and tie that one down. I'm new to auto's too, but that's the way I do it with photos and you can wind up with 30 or 40 tops... Big buds.
Ahh, good idea... I think that's a good way to go.
Plus one for stepside.... leave the ties on it wont hurt anything... you can lenthen them or take them off later. Just watch and each time a new "top" surpasses the heith of the other strap that arm down and another will take over... next ting you know you will have a shorter plant but many thick "main" colas
You can achieve the same results with a s.o.g netting.
Hi sunny when I joined afn and asked about lst or topping auto's I was directed to hazys lst techniques have a look or search for it. It helped and explained alot