New Grower How long before you babies stood up and walked?

Papa Munch

That old and easy feeling.
Mar 10, 2015
Reaction score
What week did your girls really start with the vertical growth? 3 of mine are almost 3 weeks yet they are still short little buggers. A couple are 3-4 inches while one is only 2-3" but has been growing out. Also this latter one has so much new growth underneath that I can't even see the stem! She needs to grow up so this newer growth can get some light.

I realize that my start was not ideal as they battled high heat and low humidity for their first 1-1/2 weeks. They are looking much better but I want them to go UP!
Have you given them any nutes yet?What kind of lights and how close are they?
I did a tiny dose of FF nutes about 4 days ago. Using a MarsHydro 96x3 at 18".
They really don't start vertical surge until after they show preflower pistols.You could also try moving your light up to 24 inches and see if you can get them to stretch a little.
They really don't start vertical surge until after they show preflower pistols.You could also try moving your light up to 24 inches and see if you can get them to stretch a little.

Thanks. I was just thinking that I would do that when I get home tonight.