How do you turn it around when you've had a bad pain day?


Oct 3, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Face Off OG & Durban Poison
So like the subject line says - when you've had a bad pain day (or anxiety day, or vertigo day, or whatever) and your mood is tanking, what tricks have you found to turn it around a bit?

For me, the answer to the shit-show today has been is an impromptu date night with the wifey & the girlfriend (a rare occurrence these days due to conflicting school and work schedules) a double-dose of my nightly oil, and showing them Reefer Madness on DVD. :smoking:
So like the subject line says - when you've had a bad pain day (or anxiety day, or vertigo day, or whatever) and your mood is tanking, what tricks have you found to turn it around a bit?

For me, the answer to the shit-show today has been is an impromptu date night with the wifey & the girlfriend (a rare occurrence these days due to conflicting school and work schedules) a double-dose of my nightly oil, and showing them Reefer Madness on DVD. :smoking:
Hi @ANTiFA ,have you tried a mag salt bath to relax and loosen up? This is a recent tip for me that offers some extra relaxation,problem for most might be making time for it regularly. @Root also suggested some cannabis/mag rubs/topicals that help thru the day. They offer me some extra relief but in my case its a back surgery that was not successful..Hope these tips help. Peace
Music, Epsom salts, hot water, and dim light.

I call it Toke 'n' Soak. Works great with heavy or trippy or sensuous strains, depending on what kind of care you need. I aim for the peak of the cannabis effects and climb in.
I have severe pain with my feet due to callouses among bad landing, I find what the 2 above suggested works best if you're trying to keep it minimal. If you want to spice it up a bit, get a eucalyptus branch to steam in the shower with you. It will help open up your lungs on those days you've been smoking more to compensate. After doing that I find that sitting in an ergonomically friendly chair with foot rest. I know this isn't the most convenient option and can be a little more costly but it really helps to get through it.
I find when I’m down, to to try and just focus and be thankful for all the blessings in my life and look at the bigger picture. I like to imagine I’m up on a helicopter looking down on myself. With anxieties I ask myself is this thing worrying me going to worry me tomorrow or will I even remember it a year from now? The answer is always no.
And music, music music music, like the great bob said ‘when it hits you, you feel no pain’
"Today has been shit, tomorrow is another day"

But I've had over a decade of practice