New Grower How do I water a tiny seed in a big pot?


Just watchin my daughter enjoy my harvest!
Cultivators Club
Feb 6, 2017
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Currently Smoking
I dont....I grow to help others :-)
High! I was recently gifted a Seedsman Auto White Widow seed. When the seed germs, I am going to put it directly into her 3 gallon pot.

1. Should I pre-moisten ALL the FFHF soil in the 3 gallon pot and put the seed in....or should I plant the seed in dry soil and just put a cup or two of water in around the seed?

2. How should I conduct future waterings for a small sprout in a big pot?

It so hard to gauge when the seed is in such a big pot. I have never done it this way before.

I'm actually towards the end of 2 seedsman WW. I moisten the soil with a spray bottle as I layer the soil in. Not soaking wet. But enough to moisten. Repeat the process several times until the pot is full. Than I use an eye dropper to water just around the stem until it's big enough to use my watering can.
You want the soil on the dry side so the roots will spread out in search of water.

Here's a link to my grow.
Just water the center of pot for now and place germed seed tap root facing down about one half inch deep then cover with some plastic wrap over it to keep it from drying out.It should sprout in two to three days than remove film and turn lights on.Once the seedling has two or three sets of leaves you should water the entire pot and water only when your pot seems light when you lift it.
I'm actually towards the end of 2 seedsman WW. I moisten the soil with a spray bottle as I layer the soil in. Not soaking wet. But enough to moisten. Repeat the process several times until the pot is full. Than I use an eye dropper to water just around the stem until it's big enough to use my watering can.
You want the soil on the dry side so the roots will spread out in search of water.

Here's a link to my grow.
Thank you, I will lightly spray a few layers of soil, put the seed in, then use a dropper to water her. I have a baby medicine dropper around her somewhere. I think I over-watered my last plant, and do NOT want to repeat it. Gona go check out your grow :-)
Just water the center of pot for now and place germed seed tap root facing down about one half inch deep then cover with some plastic wrap over it to keep it from drying out.It should sprout in two to three days than remove film and turn lights on.Once the seedling has two or three sets of leaves you should water the entire pot and water only when your pot seems light when you lift it.
Thank you. Once she sprouts and I remove plastic and turn CFL on, I can use a dropper when soil seems real dry (not directly on stem), then when she gets her 2nd or 3rd set of true leaves is it ok to water with like 2 cups at a time? Still so afraid to water entire pot. Sorry to seem so NOOB.
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me personally I like to water the entire pot before planting to compact and truly fill the whole pot to its real level. soil settles especially after watering well a cpl times over a week. but after the first watering ill sow after the first watering then water only the middle like Nammy buddy says. thats the only difference I run off either. just a full watering to get it working.the soil I mean. then cover it with the plastic wrap or a Solo cup until she pokes up n say WTF is up around here LOL! happy growing .

once the pot is watered in you'll only use maybe an ounce twice a day or half ounce or so three times a day. keep the top of the soil slightly moist. a spray bottle works too. three or four solid sprays around 2-3 inch spread too works well. Q tip to take to excess water up if using LED or HID lighting. T5's wont lens out on you.
Thank you. Once it sprouts, I can use a dropper when soil seems real dry (not directly on stem), then when she gets her 2nd or 3rd set of true leaves is it ok to water with like 2 cups at a time? Still so afraid to water entire pot. Sorry to seem so NOOB.
Yup. Sounds about right. Once the second node starts is about right.
Don't worry about "noob" questions. This forum isn't like most others. No haters here.
An eye dropper really isn't enough.After the seed sprouts just give it a cup or two of water just to keep it moist and you should also have a small fan blowing fresh air just slightly over the plant.I never tell people to measure water but just use what ever it takes to make sure entire pot from edge to edge and water is running out the bottom.Never feel sorry for asking questions because every body is a noob at first but the noobs that ask for help usually turn out to be great growers.
Just to clarify my previous post. I use about a cup of water. But deliver said water from an eye dropper as not to disturb the seedling to much.
Thank you. Once she sprouts and I remove plastic and turn CFL on, I can use a dropper when soil seems real dry (not directly on stem), then when she gets her 2nd or 3rd set of true leaves is it ok to water with like 2 cups at a time? Still so afraid to water entire pot. Sorry to seem so NOOB.
I see you've been given good advice. Don't ever feel like any question you have is silly. That's how you learn, and in turn can help others with what you've learned along the way! Happy growing :d5: