New Grower Homemade Organic Cal Mag

Jul 22, 2015
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Dear AFN community, my red poison is showing signs of a Calcium deficiency and I am trying to make a homemade, organic solution that can deliver fast results. I know the best solution would be cal mag+ from General Organics but I cannot get it anywhere where I live. I cannot use other fast acting cal mag supplements that have Nitrogen in them because my girl is still trying to recover from Nitrogen toxicity. If you want more details, here is a link to my grow:

What I have purchased is the following:
- pure CaCo3 calcium carbonate
- Citric acid ( lemon kick from Plagron)
- organic apple vinegar
- Epsom salt

As everyone knows Epsom salt is a quick and easy solution to treat magnesium deficiency by simply dissolving 1 gramm per litre of hot water.

My dilemma is how to make a readily available and fast acting calcium solution for my girl because calcium carbonate is poorly soluble in pure water and would take weeks until the microdes in my soil will break it down into an available form for my plants.

My plan is to try and dissolve calcium carbonate in either citric acid or apple vinegar to make the calcium readily available and fast acting. Citric acid is considered to be a chelating agent so this is will help with the bioavailability of calcium carbonate.

My plan is to experiment with dissolving calcium carbonate in either citric acid or Apple vinegar and see what works best. I will then use my ph device to see how much of the homemade calcium solution u can add to the water in order to achieve a PH of 6.3

I am a total noob and would appreciate any advice from anyone who has some knowledge in chemistry or has experience with making homemade solutions.

For example: how many gramms of calcium carbonate or dolomite lime wold you usually add to a litre of water when you experience a cal deficiency?

Or how many gramms of calcium carbonate and how many ml. of citric acid do you think I should use to gets good solution?

Hey @Waira it would be great if you have some tips or advice for the boob again.

I have typed this message on my phone so sorry if it comes out in a bad format.
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