Hi guys Ive been lurking around here for a bit reading and absorbing all the info I can. Ive grown indoors hydroponically only, but this year Im doing outdoors and using only autos. Ive been selecting strains I think will go well with my climate and scouting locations. Im in northern ohio so it wont be safe to probably put the girls outside till after may 1st. So i have some till to make holes, and I waiting for the ground to thaw a bit more lol. My question is which is better? Using smart pots that i put into the holes, using just straight holes that I fill with soil, or using a method like Brown Dirt Warriors...he uses contractor bags that he pokes holes in and buries those in the hole and fills with soil. Smart pots can be expensive after a while and come in specific sizes, contractor bags are bigger but seem like they would be more easily visible and I worry about issues like root rot, and just filling the hole with soil seems cool until you consider that eventually the roots could expand beyond the hole and start taking in things from the native soil which may or may not be a good thing. Am I over thinking this part?