New Grower HID vs.LED

Jun 4, 2015
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Hi all! Long time photoperiod grower newbie to auto's. I tried my first LED Auto grow and have a few weeks to go with mixed results. Started one plant each of 3 different auto strains. Two of the three are doing very well while the third must be some abysmal mutant phenotype.

Being only my third LED grow (2 previous photo grows) I'm left wondering how HID lighting would have done in comparison. For the last 10 plus years I've been photo growing with HID's and have become damn good at it. So in an effort to quell my curiosity I have ordered and received everything I need for 2 side by side small grows. I have two small Grolab tents 2x2 each with one tent to be HID and one LED. I figure I can fit 4 small/short strained plants in each tent.

These grows will be virtually identical. I have exhaust set up with blast gates so I can compensate for the HID heat and keep the temps even. I have 240 watt (actual) LED's in one tent and 250 watt MH/HPS in the other (closest I can come to even electric draw). Same soil for both grows, same size tents, same room, same nutes, etc. Will be using 4 plants each of 2 different strains split between the two tents.

If there is an interest out there I will start a thread and document the results and include pics. I'm tired of reading the arguments between LED/HID from people who have only used one or the other or who have not tried side by side testing between the two. While I value those opinions to some degree it's hard to put my faith into anything I can't see with my own eyes. If you guys think you'd like to follow my progress on this experiment just reply anything to this post and I'll share it with you guys as it goes along.

Just want to say thanks to the forum as well. I've learned a lot from all the reading I have done here. Great info !!
Any other comments or suggestions on my upcoming experiment are welcome. Thanks everyone!
We,lcome to AFN.If you read through our forums you will see reviews on both hid,hps,and led.We always welcome comparison grows,thats how we learn what works and what doesn't.Go ahead and start your thread and we'll be glad to follow it.
Okedokee. Should get started in about 2 weeks. Soon as my current grow matures. I've found several reviews but no side by sides. Maybe I missed them. Will do some more reading. Thanks for the reply.
With LED spectrum is everything. Are these customs spec lights or a known quality brand? Also you cant keep EVERYTHING the same and expect LED to keep up, if you keep tent temps at he ideal temp range for HID, mid 70s, in both tents, the LED wont keep up because they dont put out nearly as much infrared which heats the leaf surface temps up about 5-7 degrees giving the plants a significant bonus in the speed they can operate. Keep tent temps for LED in the low/mid 80s and use quality lights and the LED should blow the HID away.