Hi new grower here asking for some advice. What is this?

Jul 31, 2020
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Hi! English not my first language so excuse my mistakes please.
First ever post although I've been lurking here for a couple of months.
This is my second plant and I'm trying to take this as a learning process. Giving space for mistakes and setbacks.
Auto old skunk from unknown origin bought online from a shady local (from Colombia)place.
7 weeks since it sprouted. Already flowering.
Stunted from the beggining don't know why. Maybe because I mixed soil (I live in the country side) with Coco (40% and 30%), perlite, vermiculite and peat on equal parts for the rest. I don't know how to handle Coco and I took the risk.
It's been feed and taken care with liquid humus, seaweed extract and some guano. I eased on the liquid humus and switched to banana leaf tea when it started to flower. Added a little bit of honey on the 5th week.
Pest and disease control with neem oil, trichodermas (every 2 weeks when watering and foliar spray) and potassic soap.
1000 watt (100 actual wattage) grow Led full spectrum light. Constant ventilation and a dehumidifier that manages to pull the humidity down to around 70 RH.
Did some lst.

So, the issue:
This is a really humid (constant 70-90 RH) and rainy place specially this time of the year. I live in the country side and don't have and isolated grow room although I'm improvising.
When it's not raining its hot an sunny so the plant usually lives half the time indoors and the other half outdoors in my patio (I realize this is something that shouldn't be done).
Ever since week 4 I started seeing black spots that grow in size and number and some of the leaves have turned yellowish and bleak while others have just died as the black spot grow.
I got some pictures and managed to take a close one with my cheap microscope lens. I'm almost convinced that this is some kind of fungus's that's taken over the plant but still uncertain.
I have to make a hard choice as the time for the next plant is near. I try to plant a new one every 8 weeks and I don't want to have a recurring issue.

So, here are the pictures, I appreciate whatever advice I can get.

Thanks in advance!


Does this only happen to the big low leaves or also on the small new ones on top?
I can't tell for sure, since I have no experience with this kind of necrosis but a quick search indeed suggest a fungus.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Gonna have to let her go, can't risk my other plants.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Gonna have to let her go, can't risk my other plants.

That's what I read too. Good luck with your grief!
If it is fungus you should be able to treat it with a 3 in 1 spray and open up the plant for air flow and spray the dirt below plant or use some mulch.
You said your already using neems oil and i'm pretty sure neems oil works on fungus??
Have you tested ph of run-off from pots yet?

edited: I keep forgetting auto flower and 7 weeks is diffenet than photo plant and 7 weeks.
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