Live Stoner Chat Hi from up north

May 17, 2013
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Hello from Scotland :thumbs:.

I've decided to join your forum after being pointed in this direction by a green fingered friend :D.

Hopefully I'll be able to pick your brains and scour your posts to find all the info I need to be successful in this wonderful art :smoke:

hiya mofo and welcome to afn are you growing indoors or out and wot are you growing ? if you have started yet ?:group: lots of free help here just ask
Thanks a lot OSH :D

I don't have anything on the go atm, but I've previously grown White widow, big bud and northern light indoors.....albeit a little haphazardly. I'm at the mercy of my friends really and what cuttings they can throw my way. I've never grown from seed before and wouldn't know where to begin sourcing them etc.

Hopefully that will all change soon :thumbs:

Let me just clear this smoke away so I can see you.....

That's better, Yo Mofo64 (Is that for the nintendo, if so you rock :head:)

Welcome to the friendliest god damn place on the whole planet.

Come join us and turn the world green.

See you on the other side Mofo

Let me just clear this smoke away so I can see you.....

That's better, Yo Mofo64 (Is that for the nintendo, if so you rock :head:)

Welcome to the friendliest god damn place on the whole planet.

Come join us and turn the world green.

See you on the other side Mofo


Hey Rival, thanks for the welcome. You guys sure know how to make a guy feel at home :).

Welcome to AFN:smokebuds:enjoy the growmunity, and the great folks and vibes.:five:
Yep, welcome in MOFO. Read, read and read. Lots of info to take in. Use the "Live Search" at the top right, probably the best search engine a forum has ever had.
Welcome to AFN MOFO the freind that pointed you to here is he a member here if so i think i know who he is lol were all a bit barmy here at times but we know our stuff and will do our best to help those that want it be sure to put up a thread once you get your grow on :group: