Live Stoners Hi all. New here. Perhaps you can all help me out a bit?

Oct 6, 2017
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Currently Smoking

I'm TwoTents. I am currently the gardener for 2 autoflowet tents. I have been asked to come and care for these babies and so I am. Upon arriving here the set up was all wrong . Temperatures we're +35c, inadequte fresh air, no feeding, poor watering, pests galore. I'm surprised the bloody things lived.

So Ive been getting the set up more suitibale and here is what I currently have:

  • 2*2 m Tent.

  • 3 Hps bulbs in 5 inch cool tubes and 5 inch intake fan.

  • Exhaust fan which is more than powerful enough and creates negative pressure on the lowest setting.

  • 3 passive intakes covered with a cloth, each sat in water to bring up humidity.

There are some things which Im currently doing which I don't want to be, but I can't change everything at once.

They are currently being planted in Bat mix from seedling till harvest and also get repotted. Start of in 4" pots and finish in 11L pots.

I will be changing this to not reporting and light mix when I can.

They weren't getting feed so I am following Tang's easy feed schedule but experimently altered due to bat mix.

So I things I'm still struggling with are:

  • Heat
  • Unhealthy looking plants
  • Pests

We're should I have my thermometer? When they are in small pots, I rest the thermometer on top of the pots under the light as direct as I can. I do this because there is no shade in the room at that stage and the plants would experience this heat(?)

My temps can still get up to 31-32 sometimes and I don't know how I can bring it down. I have a smart CO2 bag in there so hopefully that helps. Im limited for fresh air in the room.

The room only has one small window so created two 5 inch holes through the cavity wall directly outside. One of them is for a passive intake one of them is for my cool tubes. Would I benifit drawing the cooler air from outside directly into the tent rather than the cool tubes? I try and raise humidity in veg to bring temps down but again it's also not hard as my exhaust is so powerful. I can only achive 40-50% constant humidity and peaks when I spray in there.

I'm spraying neem oil and I have whitefly. Do white fly start as minute larve on the underneath of the leaf? That's what I originally had, and they leave white/silver looking marks all over the leaf. Since starting with neem I notice a lot more flying insects (whitefly) of much bigger size and don't really see the smaller things on the underneath of the leaf.

I also have some plants that their leaves have holes in them and the edge of the holes are yellow like a nutrient of dificeny problem. I'm pretty sure it's no pests (certainly not what I've had before)

I appreciate it if you go this far: big read.

Hopefully some.of you can chime in with any hints, advice etc.

Hope to see you all here more often.


Are you drawing air over the cool tubes, then into the room? Room to light to outside.
I keep my thermometer at the canopy level. And would be having a meltdown if I had mid 90s Temps in my tent

Taking over a grow is a big job, taking over a grow with issues...not impossible, but close!
I hope that you pre-positioned yourself with the clients... I'll take this over, the current crop we will try and save, but no promises, this crop could be a complete loss. Growing is most definitely a style. Our styles will be different, asking you to take over my grow, or vise versa, isn't going to end well.
My commitment begins following these plants coming down.

Then complete clean and sterilizing of all hardware and tents before starting back up.
Are you drawing air over the cool tubes, then into the room? Room to light to outside.
I keep my thermometer at the canopy level. And would be having a meltdown if I had mid 90s Temps in my tent

Taking over a grow is a big job, taking over a grow with issues...not impossible, but close!
I hope that you pre-positioned yourself with the clients... I'll take this over, the current crop we will try and save, but no promises, this crop could be a complete loss. Growing is most definitely a style. Our styles will be different, asking you to take over my grow, or vise versa, isn't going to end well.
My commitment begins following these plants coming down.

Then complete clean and sterilizing of all hardware and tents before starting back up.
Cheers for reply mate!
I'm drawing cool air outside, over lights out into the hallway, so not into the room but into the house. Heating is off so keeps the house at around 23-25C. I don't want to exhaust hot air outside for security issues. Thermal imaging etc. I'm going to draw air from inside the room (near the window, so cool side of the room), over the lights, out into hallway and use the direct feed to outside via my 5 inch hole as a passive air intake into the tent. I dont think the cool air being pushed over the lights will benefit much more than ambient air and i think the cold air intake could bring temps down a bit
I will update tomorrow about this.

Yer I had ~50 plants suffer some sort of heat issue in early stages as i was dialing the temps in. The other tent seems to be really good so far however.

To be fair this is a new grow from me but half their way half mine. I took the last two tents down and bleached EVERYTHING. I used a really strong mix and left the tents for days to air off. Did pots, lights (although i added the cool tubes), the works. However, the 'clients' come over, whom have grows else where and can bring pests it in. Ive told them to naff of now and they havent been over for this grow. The pest problem is 95% better. They were crawling before. I think a few more neem sprays keeping them at bay and a good detox after harvest will do the job.

Is 32C to high at canopy level? They generally sit at around 30C and I have 32.3C Max and 19 Min

Cheers for your help again.
Indoors in soil, I shoot for between 75 and 85* (24 to 28C) if it hits the top of that, I go into action to get things controlled. I've had runs go above that, but those are the numbers I shoot for. Have you changed your light cycle to be off in the heat of the day?
Indoors in soil, I shoot for between 75 and 85* (24 to 28C) if it hits the top of that, I go into action to get things controlled. I've had runs go above that, but those are the numbers I shoot for. Have you changed your light cycle to be off in the heat of the day?
Fuck.. Im far too high then.
Ive read 27 to 30 c is the generally accepted range.
Yes Im 20 on, 4 off off from 13:00-17:00

I run 3 600w HPS. Would bringing them down to 400 be a better idea? I dont mean tuning down at the ballast but rather getting 400w bulbs and run them at 400w? I dont want to d this really.

How else can i get the temps down?

Was sitting here to toking and thinking... if temp is going to be an ongoing problem, I'd suggest you look into LED. That'll drop your Temps significantly, and save on the energy bill. Under hps I had to have an A/c unit for just my grow room. Led is fine with the house air on. I've seen side by side grows hps and cob led, on a meter sq. grow the led yield was 20 grams lighter, (650 to 670) but gram per watt used blew the hps away. Over twice the gram per watt. And more dense.
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Led will also ease your mind about those with infrared wandering the streets too.
Yer Ive suggested LED to them before. They have tried and LED and didnt like it, but again, the LED wasnt the best quality and the rest of the parameters were shot. Would you be able to recommend an LED for a 2x2m tent? Or not something you have experience with? I will research into it a bit more but need to get a price guide as to see if i can cover the cost and show them the results. Just spent quite some dollar on these cool tubes and fans so dont want to scrap them yet.
I did some research into an good LED brand before but cant find it now. im sure it had 'spectrum' or part of that in their name. Had some really high tech leds that you could change the spectrum of with an app and shit but they also did high quality mid range price leds too
You want to be looking at COB systems. Chips On Board. I wouldn't have looked at led when I started 20 yrs ago... junk.. tech has come a long way! There's a guy here that builds systems, I will be using his lights this season. Bigsm0 is his handle, and is his site. Get in touch with him, and he can tell you exactly what you need to cover the ladies. He has ready to run systems and some in more a kit form. You may prefer other setups, I suggest at least... buy quality. Cheap led lights will more than likely grow like cheap lights. Kinda one of the reasons I like the single cob setup. More affordable piece by piece, I can add on over time, but have quality componants, and individually adjustable, so keeping light hight over different strains, or ages, is easy.