I've been a toker since the early 60's, but sadly, I've never grown anything but vegetables. I catch on to new concepts pretty easily, and I have a scientific/engineering background, so this might be a good match for me.
I just received a package of Vision's AK 49 AutoFem. My first grow... hard to explain the plan... I'll be laying 5 seedlings down outside into a very rich mix of loam, with 25% sand and a LOT of organic material. About 70-80% sun, good drainage, and set up for stealth (My landlord is ok with the idea as long as I take any fall...). It'll be easy enough to get H2O to the plants and keep an eye on things, I'm thinking.
I'm also trying a single seedling in a proof-of-concept growbox inside, 37H 26W 15D, A mix of sphagnum, perlite and sterile topsoil. I have the following for light: 1-85w daylight @ 6900 lumen (http://1000bulbs.com/product/3816/FC85-81181.html) in a height adjustable fixture, 1-65w daylight @ 4000 lumen at middle height, and 2 warmer temp cfls for the lower area of the box.
I'll be using 2 case fans in an active set-up for airflow. I have plans for odor control (my major enemy) that I'll ask about later. I'm considering either Ona or Vaportek's products. I'll be doing a lot of reading here, but I know I'll ask about nutes, what's a good brand, etc.
My eventual goal is to do a constant harvest cycle by seeding a small percentage of lower stems. If the proof of concept works, I have plans drawn up (AutoCAD) for a slightly larger ComboBox (one side grow, one side dry) that will do 2 maturing plants and 2 seedlings at a time. If I use this for 15 months, I should harvest enough bud to hold me for a year, then do it again, and so on..
Oh, I forgot to mention... I'm a bit wordy, in case no one noticed
Happy to be here in AF heaven, I'll try to ask questions in less that 175 words, and til next time, remember what Freewheelin' Franklin sed... "Dope will get you thru times of no money better than money will get you through times of no Dope!"
I just received a package of Vision's AK 49 AutoFem. My first grow... hard to explain the plan... I'll be laying 5 seedlings down outside into a very rich mix of loam, with 25% sand and a LOT of organic material. About 70-80% sun, good drainage, and set up for stealth (My landlord is ok with the idea as long as I take any fall...). It'll be easy enough to get H2O to the plants and keep an eye on things, I'm thinking.
I'm also trying a single seedling in a proof-of-concept growbox inside, 37H 26W 15D, A mix of sphagnum, perlite and sterile topsoil. I have the following for light: 1-85w daylight @ 6900 lumen (http://1000bulbs.com/product/3816/FC85-81181.html) in a height adjustable fixture, 1-65w daylight @ 4000 lumen at middle height, and 2 warmer temp cfls for the lower area of the box.
I'll be using 2 case fans in an active set-up for airflow. I have plans for odor control (my major enemy) that I'll ask about later. I'm considering either Ona or Vaportek's products. I'll be doing a lot of reading here, but I know I'll ask about nutes, what's a good brand, etc.
My eventual goal is to do a constant harvest cycle by seeding a small percentage of lower stems. If the proof of concept works, I have plans drawn up (AutoCAD) for a slightly larger ComboBox (one side grow, one side dry) that will do 2 maturing plants and 2 seedlings at a time. If I use this for 15 months, I should harvest enough bud to hold me for a year, then do it again, and so on..
Oh, I forgot to mention... I'm a bit wordy, in case no one noticed