New Grower Hey guys advice on 6 -8 plant op please. LED Coco perlite automatic drip feed system

Oct 25, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
CBD auto compassion lime
Hi guys as the title suggests im lookong for some advice/tips on my grow. First ill tell you some background. I still stay with my mum and dad but there are going to visit friends and family for a few months as they usually do every couple of years. I usually just have a massive party . But this time Im thinking of getting a bit of goodness going. Im looking to do 8 plants or get around 18- 20 oz dry as this should tick me over till they next go away sick of paying most of my wages to a DD and 9 times of 10 getting chemical cheese or damp haze. anyway guys my questions are and thanks in advance btw!

•How big a tent will I need for 8 ? (Im thinking auto glueberry from dutch passion and another strain not yet decided so any pointers would be awsome aswell more of a big yeilder would be ideal)

• LED lighting for my tent or HPS ?. I currently have a vipraspectra 450w led was doing a closet grow with so im stuck on weather to put more led in and if so how much more LED lights would be required ? Id love to stick 2 x 600 watt hps in but im worried about my fuse box I know its on the same breaker as my tumble dryer fridge and wash machine.

Im going with coco/perlite mix for my medium. And I have 3 10 litre air pots and just bout 5 12 litre fabric pots . 12 litre fabric pots big enough ? . Sorry about all these questions guys but im not done yet lol.

Going to make a diy auto drip feed system . So my questions about this are.

•how big a tank will i need and are there any cheaper options than a flexi tank?.
• also a good quality but cheap pump? .

I think thats me amigos ! But no doubt there will be more :)

Currently I have ..

Viprespectra 450 led
Air pots and fabric pots
6 inch rhino pro silent inline fan and carbon filter (will need replaced for peice of mind)
Variatic fan controller because my inline was way to loud.

Also guys a cheap quite small fan for my intake.

Hope I get a reply and I hope it all makes sense to you reading it . Trust me it makes sense in my head lol thanks in advance !!
Hey bud just wondering an making sure you're21 it's a requirement to be an auto flower network member .