New Grower Hey all, need help with my studies.


On Parole from Live Stoners
Apr 20, 2012
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Hey guys.

Hope all is well.

You who know me, know that I am back at school after a life turning moment last year, good for me.

I am doing really well.

Now I am about the write a paper in my Swedish class, and its gonna be a about MJ.

It will be about the medicinal value of MJ, all the good things AND al the bad things.adn

The headline will be " Cannabis, medicine or a drug from hell?" (In Sweden they call it "dödsknark") and that will translate in to something like drug of death....

What I need your help with is the provide me with good info and valid links to objective research ab MJ medicinal value about all sort of diseases and pain, and all the info you can find about its down sides.

I all ready git all lot of info and knowledge about this but I can always need some more, but just remember...the info must be taking an objective stand point in this matter or else I will not be able to use it in my paper.

Thanks all and have a wonderful day.

Salutations Justinsane,

...back at school... The headline will be " Cannabis, medicine or a drug from hell?" (In Sweden they call it "dödsknark") and that will translate in to something like drug of death... ... ...provide me with good info and valid links to objective research and MJ medicinal value...

Well, Justin... History is something i'd tend to rely on in your preamble, not that i like the title in any way!

You see it's a fact The Chief of Commonwealth who governed over British colonies and dominions has something to do with the globalisation of bigot anti-cannabic descrimination, if not persecution or even worst these days. Deaths by police fire arm is also another relatively safe source of information about the "harms" of "marihuana", if your ask me... In these cases you can legimatedly call it the "Drug of Death", litterally. As for medicinal value, i feel compelled to remind you that most of our historic data has got tainted by fault of authority abuse as this may have prevented proper development of a legitimate medical/medicinal/dietary recourse. More precisely i'm refering to toxic smoke being systematically obscuring/contaminating such "data" since very few persons have ever been informed by their respective governments about "Harm Reduction" consumption methods i believe. Mine just pushed on the bigot fearmonger envelope since the very 1st anti-cannabic law, by Henri Sévérin Béland in 1923 for Canadians (it's also important to point out that Canada still was a British Dominion" by then)... In a world without bigots we could have got vaporizers operating on charcoal (with a separate combustion chamber) as soon as 1869!


M'yeap! And this reminds me i should mention toxic parents/adults are yet another potentially objective source of statistics: you only need to get the data from a "reprogramming" center, like those who offer people with families to "fix their kid", so to speak.

Good day, have fun!! If you can... :peace:
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