Outdoor here comes spring!


Dopey Jim

I've just moved my chickens out of the greenhouse (they eat the bugs, the weed seeds and fertilise as they go permaculture and dope growing go so well together!) and have started my new bed for the "girls".
I've dug it all over added heaps of well rotted compost from my bins (although I say it myself I am a King compost maker), everything that I have from my wormery, a bag of well rotted horse shit and a bag of multi purpose compost, dug in a handful of lime, watered with a little molasses water and a great new organic seaweed extract from Shropshire seaweed covered it with black polythene to prohibit seed growth and clear plastic to heat up the soil.

If my plants don't take off in that mix I'll eat my fucking hat!:lol:

Aiming to plant my first lot under a cloche in April and hopefully harvest every month by sexing my regulars in pots first before planting in my bed.
Can anyone think of anything I've missed?
sounds like you are off to a great start jim mind if i join along for the ride if this is going to be a grow log ?:smokebuds:
yeah man, by the time I plant I might have figured out how to upload pics! but I'll try, been meaning to do it fot ages with my other grows.
Strange thing is I keep a detailed log book of my grows, soils ferts etc but never seem to get round to uploading, which is crazy considering how much time I spend at AFN