Live Stoners hempy growers

Oct 23, 2017
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Hey everyone.

Just kind of was wondering if there were any hempy growers here. I've been doing my 2l hempy grow for a little bit now and was wondering if anyone has done a 2l hempy grow or just a hempy grow In general. A lot of people here do autoflowers but I'm actually doing photos.

My hempy is 100 percent perlite because my local hydro store doesnt Cary vermiculite. so that is a downfall but I still don't have to water my clones every day as long as the roots hit the bottom of the res.

Here's my grow here,

The main reason I am asking is if anyone has any tips I would greatly appreciate them! This is my first time growing hempy and any growers advice is always appreciated. I am also growing with autocobs (first Time with these lights).
I'm curious as well. Just starting a hempy bucket grow with perlite base and coco/perlite top. I'm wondering at what stage I should plant my sprout (4 days old, tap root coming out bottom of rock wool) in the bucket and do I top feed a bit,till it gets bigger, then water to run off?
@Ash-a-Ton - he is your hempy master
Oh no no. Not hempy master lol. Only hybrid hempy.
Which was all perlite with a top layer of soil.
I can absolutely try to answer some questions tho. If not im sure i can find a hempy grower.
I know i know at least one. Just woke up. So i need a min to get high and remember lol
Oh no no. Not hempy master lol. Only hybrid hempy.
Which was all perlite with a top layer of soil.
I can absolutely try to answer some questions tho. If not im sure i can find a hempy grower.
I know i know at least one. Just woke up. So i need a min to get high and remember lol top feed? thick of topsoil? And you have autowatering? I assume you mix nutes like hydro?..interested because I get coarse perlite cheap..I trade plumeria plants for large bags if it from local nursery top feed? thick of topsoil? And you have autowatering? I assume you mix nutes like hydro?..interested because I get coarse perlite cheap..I trade plumeria plants for large bags if it from local nursery
I got a hybrid solo cup currently lol.
I have tested this a few times in larger buckets. A few failures but also a few very successful grows.

So. It gets treated as soil. Until the roots have made it to the hempy res.
In my case i added an external res.

So when the roots get there. You switch to bottom feeding and use roots to wick water to soil.

The ph. Seems to be ok with 5.8-6.3.
I know that this is an old thread, but I was looking for info on hempy buckets. I am using a 2 liter hempy bucket in the 2 liter fun grow challenge.

Here’s what I’m running so far:

2 liter bottle with 4:1 Perlite to Vermiculite mix. I also have a 1 liter bottle with a 4:1 mix that is performing quite well.

I started with full strength nutes. I’m using the Advanced Nutrients lineup. So I started with 4ml/l of Sensi Bloom A, 4 ml/l of Sensi Bloom B, 2 ml/l of Voodoo Juice and 2 ml/l of Sensi Cal/Mag. After two weeks, I dropped the VooDoo Juice. Two weeks later and I’m now into preflower, so I added 2ml/l of Carboload.

I don’t even know if I’m doing this right. I’m just kinda making it up as I go along. I was in soil on my last grow using TaNg’s feeding schedule. I kinda adapted it to the hempy buckets. However, I would say that the plants seem to be on autopilot right now. I just water them twice a day with about 600 ml to 750 ml of solution.

Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated.