Help with recommendations


Rambozo the Clown
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hey guys. Ive got some beans and I can only do 2 at the moment. They are barney's pineapple express, wos northernlight x big bud auto, delicous la diva, flash babylon by sam sara, and dinafems cheese auto. Im wanting to mix 2 and make some ros or a concentrate of some sort for a family member with hepatitis c thats not doing so well. Im hopeing for some insight on which of these I should do to combat her need for lots of pain medication, inflamation, and stimulates her appetite. I need to get them growing while I learn more lol. In about a month I can do 2 more beans so if anyone had any recommendations on other strains with experience with hepatitis c would be awesome. Thanks guys.
Hey guys. Ive got some beans and I can only do 2 at the moment. They are barney's pineapple express, wos northernlight x big bud auto, delicous la diva, flash babylon by sam sara, and dinafems cheese auto. Im wanting to mix 2 and make some ros or a concentrate of some sort for a family member with hepatitis c thats not doing so well. Im hopeing for some insight on which of these I should do to combat her need for lots of pain medication, inflamation, and stimulates her appetite. I need to get them growing while I learn more lol. In about a month I can do 2 more beans so if anyone had any recommendations on other strains with experience with hepatitis c would be awesome. Thanks guys.

Hi Nater,
Great to hear you are trying to help a family member. Here is a like on Hep-c and MMJ

Since you are going for pain management and help with sleep I assume you want a something with a high Indica percent. A lot of breeders will show the indica/sativa percents are at least tell you which is dominant. Let them go until the trichs are mostly cloudy/amber. When you say "ROS" did you mean "RSO" Rick Simpson Oil?
Hi Nater,
Great to hear you are trying to help a family member. Here is a like on Hep-c and MMJ

Since you are going for pain management and help with sleep I assume you want a something with a high Indica percent. A lot of breeders will show the indica/sativa percents are at least tell you which is dominant. Let them go until the trichs are mostly cloudy/amber. When you say "ROS" did you mean "RSO" Rick Simpson Oil?

Yes, but im not set on it. Want something with a punch too, mainly because she may be battleing opiate dependancy now or will, thats low dose. Thanks for the link too man! Going to check it out.
Here is a very simple and quick one to make. Mrs. Oldster really like it for pain and sleep. Taste is not the greatest, she puts 2 cc on a piece of bread.

DubV posted a glycerin tincture recipe that I also really like and the sweet taste of the glycerin makes it taste pretty good. I will find it for you

Ingesting cannabis has a much longer and stronger effect so I think it would be your best bet rather than smoking or vaping
Are you going to be using all of the material to make oil or concentrates with? Meaning are you going to use the buds or just the trim? Either way I would def go with the NLxBB as that will most likely yeild the most(I have made some very good BHO with NL, it yeilded some of the most oil I have ever gotten) Also I have seen good things about the Cheese Auto from dinafew(those dudes know what they are doing when it comes to breeding) I just saw a journal with some pineapple express that looked really good too, all together nice choices and I don't think you can go wrong with any 2 that you choose. Also you might want to look into CBD exctracts for hunger, I can tell you from my father having lung cancer and us moving to Colorado where you can buy CBD at the store, IT WORKS!!!!!!!! My father went from eating about 300 calories a day to over 2000 so CBD works for hunger for sure. Good luck,sending good karma your way friend
Are you going to be using all of the material to make oil or concentrates with? Meaning are you going to use the buds or just the trim? Either way I would def go with the NLxBB as that will most likely yeild the most(I have made some very good BHO with NL, it yeilded some of the most oil I have ever gotten) Also I have seen good things about the Cheese Auto from dinafew(those dudes know what they are doing when it comes to breeding) I just saw a journal with some pineapple express that looked really good too, all together nice choices and I don't think you can go wrong with any 2 that you choose. Also you might want to look into CBD exctracts for hunger, I can tell you from my father having lung cancer and us moving to Colorado where you can buy CBD at the store, IT WORKS!!!!!!!! My father went from eating about 300 calories a day to over 2000 so CBD works for hunger for sure. Good luck,sending good karma your way friend

Im going to use the whole plant. And thanks man!
Here is a very simple and quick one to make. Mrs. Oldster really like it for pain and sleep. Taste is not the greatest, she puts 2 cc on a piece of bread.

DubV posted a glycerin tincture recipe that I also really like and the sweet taste of the glycerin makes it taste pretty good. I will find it for you

Ingesting cannabis has a much longer and stronger effect so I think it would be your best bet rather than smoking or vaping

I agree. I think ive seen that glycerin thread and that is a good option. She cant do anything thats alcohol based like green dragon, that was my first idea. Thanks for your input! You guus are some good people.
No prob, are you considering BHO at all, if so I went to school for chemistry and have been making BHO for the last 2 years or so. I have made some other concentrates as well but if you need any help with BHO i'm your guy. What I have found is that if you make BHO (which in my opinion is the highest THC you can extract) then use that to make glycerin tinctures or, vegatable oil or whatever because it is very souluable it makes it really easy to add to other stuff.

I am BHO biased though lol, some don't like it but I am on a quest to find 100% pure THC lol(we are getting close 89% is the highest I have seen so far)
I havent done bho or really looked into it but its something ill for sure look into.
When doing your research just don't get scared, all you need to know to not blow yourself up is NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER do it inside period. But when it comes to sleep there is nothing you can smoke or vape that will do the trick like some super potent BHO wax or shatter.

I would def encourage you to look into the CBD for sure though.