Indoor Help With Nutes!! Alot.

Mar 16, 2012
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Ok so I've searched a lot of threads and such and got some good info but still have some loose ends so help me out friends, nutes is definitely my weak spot. I'm going to be starting a Purple Ryder grow hopefully within the next week or so.

First off what Nutes do you recommend, i dont need top dollar but something decent, more so what forumla ratio should i be looking for?
Now do I even need to waste my time w/ veg nutes or just wait a couple weeks until flowerin and start giving it bloom nutes?
Do i feed everytime I water?
Do I ramp up the doses to eventually be full strength?
WHen do I begin flushing?
Hi, im not the pro on Auto's, but I do know a little bit.... As far as I have seen, Veg nutes are needed in Auto grows, and seem to help alot for the first 3-5 weeks... And then flowering nutes for 2-4 weeks. I keep seeing people on here stressing how important veg nutes are! Sooo ill be picking up some soon haha.....

Ive been using only flowering nutes with a seedling soil mix, I usualy feed at week 3-4, and ive been getting plants that produce 2 oz under a 250 w hps, and the only thing ive noticed is some different strains have gotten deficient in certain area's like Nitrogen at about week 5-7. So I could really see a Vegging fert + Flowering fert/Micronutrients making a big difference, and maybe bulking up my buds??

Ive had good results with the fox farm line outside on regular photoperiod plants, and Ive only used the flowering one(Tiger Bloom) on Auto's, although Id think you would be happy with any good set of nutes, Id go with the Fox farm Trio- Grow Big(Veg), TigerBloom(Flowering), and Big Bloom(Organic micronutrients, used the whole time if im not mistaken..). When using the TigerBloom make sure and watch your Ph, as it brings it down quick, hopefully some dolomite lime mixed in at 2 Tablespoons per gallon of medium will help keep your ph up.

And when flushing for the final harvest Id say wait 7-10 days depending on the strain, because I flushed at 2 weeks one time, and it messed up my yield because the strain could have went 90 days, but i flushed at day 50 hoping it was done for just after 60 days lol which wasnt the case, and I made the plant deficient, and got loose buds... :toke:

I also feed mine every second watering, and I start with 1/4 strength nutes, and work my way up to 1/2 Strength, but usualy dont go higher because TigerBloom is usualy too strong Ive found.... but this is just my opinion.
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RealC , I would stronly recommend a root stim, esp with the autos, cause it seems the more root they have the more plant they have on the top, I am using hydro, but I would imagine that in soil bacteria that stimulate and promote symbiosis cant be a bad thing.
ive been getting plants that produce 2 oz under a 250 w hps
That's some major weight, if you're doing that consistently... I've never been able to do that with auto's. When you're pulling that kind of weight, why would you want to change anything?

Auto's really don't need much in the way of veg nutes... especially not for the first 2-3 weeks. By then, you're flowering or very close to it. I do know some very experienced growers will add some veg nutes but I don't think they use them during the first 2 weeks, at least... if I don't have this right, Muddy or JM will probably be by shortly and I will happily defer to their experience if their opinion is different.

I have been using the Fox Farm line of ferts also. They've done well for me. I start at 1/4 strength and increase with each application. If I see a sign of nute overdose, I back off. In my experience both the Tiger Bloom and the Big Bloom will make the pH drop like a rock. I mix the fert in non-pH'd water and take a reading. The amount of lime/baking soda you use is determined by how far below your targeted pH the reading is. In some cases, the pH of the original water is high enough that putting the ferts in the water alone brings the pH into the target levels.

RealC , I would stronly recommend a root stim
I agree and use one myself. I forgot to mention in the original post. Great White is very good but there are a lot of choices. I would recommend getting a powder over a liquid form. :peace:
I was thinking the same thing Joe, why mess with perfection! :D Im going to attribute my high yields to Low Stress Training, and rotating them daily as well... Especially if they are a sativa pheno like my diesel ryder, I LST'd it and got over 10 main colas! I also put them in 3 Gallon grow bags and fill them to the top which is almost 4 gallon when I measured it.

But as I said I feel they could use more nitrogen, and this is what Ive seen members mention, so im gunna give the veg nutes a shot, maybe only feed once or twice, then straight to the bloom nutes.
RealC , I would stronly recommend a root stim, esp with the autos, cause it seems the more root they have the more plant they have on the top, I am using hydro, but I would imagine that in soil bacteria that stimulate and promote symbiosis cant be a bad thing.

Thanks Insert and Joe
Insert where would I buy root stim?
Are you talking about this?
if so isn't that for cloning only?
This isn't what we're talking about. You're looking for something with beneficial myco fungi. You can Google "root drench", "root stimulator", "myco fungi" and get more choices than you can imagine. This will be something you mix with water and add it to your soil when you water your plants. I use Great White... I pay about $40 for it and it lasts a long time... There are also less expensive alternatives. I've seen some under $20. :peace: