Indoor Help with lighting schedule


AFN Infirmary specialist
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Jun 3, 2012
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Well I finally got my two photos that were supposed to be autos kick in the flowering stage after two weeks of 12/12.My autos are finally into full flower mode.My question is can i go back to 18/6 or will the photos revert back to veg state.:smokebuds::help:
Well I finally got my two photos that were supposed to be autos kick in the flowering stage after two weeks of 12/12.My autos are finally into full flower mode.My question is can i go back to 18/6 or will the photos revert back to veg state.:smokebuds::help:
I have 2 auto's (white russian and auto super skunk) that needed to be induced and they're doing fine on 12/12. I treat them as photo's.
nope if they dont flower at 18/6 there not fully auto. You should be able to push them to 13/11 though
Yes, if you go back to 18/6 they will probably revert back to veg.
:smoke:Thanks guys.Ikind of thought they might go back to veg on 18/6 so i will stay on 12/12.This is the most challangeing grow i have had.Out of the four i have two turned out to be photos and the two autos grew so tall i had to top the main stem and then the side branches hit the lights and i had to tie those back .They are two ugly girls strings all over branches twisting side ways .I will post pictures of them later.I could winn the ugliest of the month contest with no problem.:crying: