New Grower HELP whats wrong with my plant?(FIRST GROW) swt cheese and k 45

Mar 28, 2015
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I am at day 35
-Sweet Cheese autoflowering feminized seed from Sweet Seeds
-K 45 from KC Brains
-Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
-Fox Farm Trio Nutes
-5 gal buckets
-Tap water(use PH Down) to achieve a PH of 6.0-6.5
-Run off Tests at around 6.5 now
(It was testing at 7.0 so i lowered the Ph of my water)
-8x4 room
- around 1,200 watts (180 watts x6 ufos)
-I feed them nutes once a week now so every other water.
I have 6 plants and all are fin except 2.

*started nutes at day 13(which im now realizing may have been to soon) They all had 4 big nodes but maybe my problem is they just were too young to get nutes yet and thats all??
Whens the best time to start nutes. ??

I'm assuming the two sickly swt chs have a cal/mag deficiency so i gave them some kelp feed that's recommended to fix that. Ive given it to the two sick SWT CHS once now after flushing the nutes out.
but they still have yellowish spots and leaves slowly dying in a few spots. PLEASE HELP. I'm on a major budget too. so cheap and easy fix please

This pic is of a leaf i pulled off. I prefer to pull them off when they are sick so the other leaves can grow healthy.


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Give them some water for a while. To me this seems like a clear case of nuteburn. how much nutrients dide you give them? You should slowly start adding nutrients especially if it's your first grow.
see it may be but the way the actual spots look is not like any nute burn pic ive ever seen. its yellow yah, but thy have little brown spots inside the yellow spots. i need a better pic.
see the brown spots? looks like a cal/mag to me... but i really may be wrong. theyve all been being flushed for a while now. like 2 weeks
Doesn't look so bad, bottom leafs I'm guessing? I've got more than a few of these, especially close to my fans. They don't bother me so much. Look at finished plants. The best most mature ones have dry yellow leaves, right? How much Cal-Mag are you using? Fan leaves store sugars then use those sugars (carbohydrate) for growth. And then the leaf is done, used up, and falls off. Keep cool, just a few weeks left. You're compressing a season's growth into what, 70-80 days? Spring's gone and summers fading, you're moving into fall. When leaves change color and fall off.
Thanks for that little confidince booster lol. I hope the finished product turns out well..:)

I'm using Roots organic extreme serene
I use a 1/2 tbs per gal of water

its really just what i had laying around. i got it for free with some other stuff i bought at a hydroponics store here locally but i looked up cal/mag deficiencies and the main ingredient in the nutes people were suggesting was Ascophyllum. and that's the main ingredient in this so it was actually really lucky.