Indoor Help soil issue

Oct 3, 2018
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Okay so I got coco and fox farm, but i didn't order enough i got 2 5gal pots filled but got 2 more that need filled, so my question is what can i pick up at menards or Walmart that i can fill my other two pots i don't have the option of waiting to order more because i started germination yesterday
Any of the better putting souls, they probably wont have the extras to help buffer the soil ph. You have to be careful with bugs being in some of these soils. See if they have coco too!
This is my grow ever I'm wondering if i shouldn't just plant 3 instead of fighting shitty soil, just had to throw away two seeds (if they all germ and that's a big if) extra thought maybe grab some smaller pots??
You can always put 2 in a pot . First grow I would stick to better soil, and less plants. Easier to keep track of things and and eye on the plants. Have you started a grow thread yet?
No i just downloaded the Jane app and started logging my info there, figured id post it when i ran into trouble I'm new to this site and growing haha, but yeah I agree i think ill throw 2 in a pot just to save the seeds. Ill get a thread started
Post a link to the thread. That way you can always have help and an extra set of eyes if necessary. It will be a fun time!
If u use Amazon you could have it in 2 days. And if the seeds germed already. Just take a little soul from one of your pots and put in a cup until your order arrive, just a thought

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Hey good thinking I do use Amazon, i also have rapid rooters would it be okay just to keep some in those until i get my soil? Update soil will be here Monday
I will tag along,

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