Indoor Help! Noob setting up Hydro Nute schedule - Bloom Advanced Floriculture, big bud, pk 9/18 - any advi

Oct 1, 2014
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Hi guys,
Can somebody help me with regards to nute schedule/which nutes to pick, no matter how much i read, i end up more lost than when i started n its drivin me maaaaaaad......

When I get round to it, I am going to use Autopot 4 pot system. (i dont know whether this is classed as Run to Waste Systems, Recirculating, Bubbler, Deep Water Culture Systems, or Soil Systems in the eyes of a nute schedule).
The medium will be Coco/Perlite 70/30 with 1.5" clay pebbles at the bottom of the pots and an airdome in each pot.

Im not sure which base Nutes to use yet....From what i understand, people "use their Nutes" to keep autoflowering plants in the veg stage for slightly longer before they flip em into flowering. BUT, if you are using 2 part nutes, like canna coco, how do you do that as there are only A&B, and you mix both, equally, all the way through veg and flowering????

I looked at Bloom Advanced Floriculture nutes, and they offer 2 types, Euro A&B which are equal ratio throughout veg and flower, like the Canna nutes, OR they also offer, Grow A&B followed by Flower A&B.

The reason I'm looking at Bloom nutes is because I've been told to use their other stuff (because apparently they're good), like Roots, Ultra, Ooze, Cal/Mag, Florigen (foliar spray), Groigen (foliar spray) and so surely it would make sense to stick to one company/nute schedule.......

Ive also been looking at Silica from Bloom, can i ask peoples advice on silica additives generally, i have read about it, but i want a realistic perception on whether they are deemed necessary or not? Especially seen as there are other additives as well, but im not MADE of f*cking money. where does it end?

Finally, a shopkeeper also mentioned to me about Advanced Nutrients Big Bud (liquid) and Shogun PK Warrior 9/18. He said Big Bud was renowned and Shogun PK warrior was stronger/better then PK13/14. What does Big Bud actually do? Anybody any idea on this? Overkill?

So, the questions are

1. 2 PART OR 4 PART nutes and why?

2. Anybody heard about/used Bloom products?

3. Is it defo worth havin cal/mag? Probably seen as im in coco and doin Autoflowers.........

4. Are silicon/silica additives really worth it?

5. When you use foliar sprays do you have to avoid hitting the bud?

6. What does AN Big Bud actually do different from what the Bloom products do or is it a replacement? If so, replacement for which one?

7. Would i be better off sticking with Bloom PK given most other stuff is Bloom?

8. Would it be overkill to squeeze Big Bud and PK 9/18 into that line-up of Bloom stuff?

My advice would be to start as simple and basic as possible, just grow and bloom nutes, or follow someone else's nute schedule to a 't'. I used Seymour Buds Think Different grow as a feeding schedule, using the same nutes he did. Find someone who's grow you want to recreate and do what they did. That's one of the great part abouy grow journals. When done correctly they can be followed step by step like a science experiment.

1. Your choice. People get great results with both one part (one bottle for veg, one bottle for flower) and two part nutes (veg part a and veg part b, flower part a and flower part b).

2. No.

3. Yes.

4. Yes, but not necessary.

5. Yes.

6. Don't know.

7. Don't know, but don't feel obligated to use the same. brand base nutes and additives. I've mixed and matches with great success.

8. Don't know.
Im useing maxigro and maxi bloom with a calimagi supplement on a photo that I vegged for 2 months with lst. Flowered her at 10 in tall and cut all my strings. Shea almost 4 foot widenow and over 3ft tall lol. Im not comfortable enough to go past those nutes yet. I also made the mistake of nor feeding my first grow for like 2 weeks. In a dwc they need lite nutes.
gbd has good advice about keeping it simple.

My advice would be to pick a brand for your base coco-formulated grow and bloom nutes and for your first few grows, avoid the temptations to play "Master Grower" mixing your own special brews.
Stick with that brands supplements if you must add anything.

If you do that, and follow a schedule that uses roughly half the manufacturers recommended dosages for your first few grows.
You will get a couple of pretty damned good grows, and then you will be able to really understand what is going on when you want to bump up your nutrient loads in future grows.
Then you will be in a much better position to decide whether the extra cost and attention needed to push plants is worth it to you.
Is this your first attempt at growing cannabis? If so, I would highly recommend you forgo hydro and do a couple of soil or soil less grows first. Hydro is considered an advanced technique. Things happen a lot faster in hydro and if you get it wrong, it can go south pretty quickly. Soil/soil less grows are more forgiving and will give you the opportunity to learn the basics before moving on to the more complicated forms of growing.
Hi guys,
Can somebody help me with regards to nute schedule/which nutes to pick, no matter how much i read, i end up more lost than when i started n its drivin me maaaaaaad......

When I get round to it, I am going to use Autopot 4 pot system. (i dont know whether this is classed as Run to Waste Systems, Recirculating, Bubbler, Deep Water Culture Systems, or Soil Systems in the eyes of a nute schedule).
The medium will be Coco/Perlite 70/30 with 1.5" clay pebbles at the bottom of the pots and an airdome in each pot.

Im not sure which base Nutes to use yet....From what i understand, people "use their Nutes" to keep autoflowering plants in the veg stage for slightly longer before they flip em into flowering. BUT, if you are using 2 part nutes, like canna coco, how do you do that as there are only A&B, and you mix both, equally, all the way through veg and flowering????

I looked at Bloom Advanced Floriculture nutes, and they offer 2 types, Euro A&B which are equal ratio throughout veg and flower, like the Canna nutes, OR they also offer, Grow A&B followed by Flower A&B.

The reason I'm looking at Bloom nutes is because I've been told to use their other stuff (because apparently they're good), like Roots, Ultra, Ooze, Cal/Mag, Florigen (foliar spray), Groigen (foliar spray) and so surely it would make sense to stick to one company/nute schedule.......

Ive also been looking at Silica from Bloom, can i ask peoples advice on silica additives generally, i have read about it, but i want a realistic perception on whether they are deemed necessary or not? Especially seen as there are other additives as well, but im not MADE of f*cking money. where does it end?

Finally, a shopkeeper also mentioned to me about Advanced Nutrients Big Bud (liquid) and Shogun PK Warrior 9/18. He said Big Bud was renowned and Shogun PK warrior was stronger/better then PK13/14. What does Big Bud actually do? Anybody any idea on this? Overkill?

So, the questions are

1. 2 PART OR 4 PART nutes and why?

2. Anybody heard about/used Bloom products?

3. Is it defo worth havin cal/mag? Probably seen as im in coco and doin Autoflowers.........

4. Are silicon/silica additives really worth it?

5. When you use foliar sprays do you have to avoid hitting the bud?

6. What does AN Big Bud actually do different from what the Bloom products do or is it a replacement? If so, replacement for which one?

7. Would i be better off sticking with Bloom PK given most other stuff is Bloom?

8. Would it be overkill to squeeze Big Bud and PK 9/18 into that line-up of Bloom stuff?


Airpots are an automatic watering system, not really hydro by definition I'd think. I know a lot of people use bud enhancers like Big bud, etc. MY personal opinion is I'd don't want to be messing with PGRs ( plant Growth Regulators ). Do they work, seems so. Are they safe? there are lots of questions about them that the makers aren't answering.

As far as the nutes themselves, that's really up to you. both work, but bring new to this, I'd suggest that simpler is better while learning. I still use very basic grow and bloom nutes, General Hydroponics Maxigrow and Maxibloom. It just plain works and works well. Growing in coco, I'd find a 2 part system and stick with that till I'd had some experience. There are enough other things that can go wrong that eliminating complicated nute schedules makes solving issues easier. This is just my opinion, but the KISS principal never fails!
@pop22 Have you ever tried maxibloom and maxigrow on autopots? Do you think it will clog the tubes?