Help needed


Cultivators Club
Apr 12, 2020
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Hi guys this is my 6 week old blue cheese from Royal Queen Seeds that I have growing in a space bucket. Temps are around 27 degrees celsius with humidity around 55% I over fed her calmag at a dose of 1.5ml per litre twice over a 2 week period then panicked and flushed her with around 24litres of water. She is yellowing badly, her popcorn buds at the bottom look a healthy green but I just can't get ontop of what is going on. At 1st temps were low so I added some 5630 SMD leds to help raise the temps which worked but still she seems to get worse each day. She is in a 9litre fabric pot with biobizz lightmix soil and 30% perlite added in. She's growing under a 300w led which draws around 115 actual watts from the wall. She also has what I can only describe as like a sort of wet vegative smell to her.


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What have you been feeding her since the flush? She looks a little hungry to me, and maybe a little over-watered at the same time. Temps are also a little high.

What's your watering scheduling, pH, ppm, etc?

I've been following this schedule using biobizz products but not been using topmax. I dont check ph as biobizz claim I don't need to due to buffers in their soil and I used all the same stuff last year when I grew to different strains on my windowsill one of which was a barneys farm blue cheese and had no problems atall it's weird. I've I've watering untill runoff which I never did on my last grow and the water seems to filter through ok


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Check the soil Ph mate . :thumbsup:
Yesterday I foliar fed her some epsom salt and algamic also.. she looks to me like she is starting to gain a phosphorus deficiency now but I'm just constantly guessing and read so much conflicting things I'm just trying to tick all boxes
I know calmag can throw the pH right off which is why I flushed it as soon as a realised I had fed her to much but since then she seems to have just gone down hill maybe I should of waited before flushing her and seen what she did first
In soil, flushing is an absolute last ditch move. In coco, it's a regular part of growing. Am with hecno, do a soil pH check... if nothing else it'll rule it out. Small bags, 2-3 gallon, have much harder time buffering than a 20 gallon bag. And some water sources don't play well with "pH perfect " products, so a pH meter, and checking your inputs should be in your future. All in all, she looks hungry to me.
In soil, flushing is an absolute last ditch move. In coco, it's a regular part of growing. Am with hecno, do a soil pH check... if nothing else it'll rule it out. Small bags, 2-3 gallon, have much harder time buffering than a 20 gallon bag. And some water sources don't play well with "pH perfect " products, so a pH meter, and checking your inputs should be in your future. All in all, she looks hungry to me.
Excellent response mate, I need to read my plants more and stop trying to do it so "text book" every time coz every plant is different. I might have to give her a foliar spray of some fish mix 2moz and see how she goes as i watered her yesterday. She had 2ml/1L of alg-a-mic yesterday with 1 teaspoon of espom salt misted over her lastnight but I understand it can still take a couple of days for her to show a response to that. I will definitely get a decent pH pen in my inventory ASAP I had a cheap one but the kids got ahold of it so it is no more lol
What's the old saying? Once bitten twice shy? I'm real good at remembering AFTER I screw it up and find out why!