[HELP] Narrowed Down To Nitrogen Toxicity


May 29, 2016
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Hi Guys,

I think I've narrowed my problem down to Nitrogen Toxicity for my plant. yet I still need help / advice @Ripper

Mephisto Auto Blues Day 42
Pot Size: 3 Gallon Smart Pot
Soil: Long story short...The main Rootball is in Miracle Grow 3 month (I would say that 1 gal - 1.5 gal is in miracle grow that I couldnt get out during the transplant) The outside of that rootball is all Happy Frogs soil. So Miracle Grow surrounded by Happy Frog

Problem: After watering Turning Yellow All Over Plant and Leaves; Curled tips have been there for the past 4 weeks+ (from nitrogen not overwatering). The yellowing has also spread to top leaves quick. Bottom leaves are getting crispy..

Ive only ever used distilled water this entire grow with the exception of Mammoth P at 1/3 stregnth .015 in 1 gal last watering.

Yesterday I watered her 32oz of water and today she is dry 90-95% dry again. I am going to water her again shortly; only waiting on feedback.

What should I do?

Should I give a really good watering again? Add epsom salt / cal-mag? Wash it away? Each time I have watered I always water around the outside in hopes not to activate the miracle grow.. This time looks like it didnt work out..

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Below are Two Images of before the watering on Sunday...
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I'm not the expert here but when did you transplant and how long have you been avoiding watering the center?
Pics from Sun appear to be classic N tox but the yellowing so fast is a puzzle to me.
I would assume the Droop would be from some of the roots drying out too much from avoiding the MG.
Don't make any decisions based on my thoughts though.
Ive been watering around the MG for 3 weeks. Granted; I know that each watering it still gets into the MG; although this time it seems to have been much harsher so not sure what to do now.

For more explanations regarding my MG "newbie fk up" you can find my grow below in the signature which explains things a little bit better with that issue.
Hi Guys,

I think I've narrowed my problem down to Nitrogen Toxicity for my plant. yet I still need help / advice

Mephisto Auto Blues Day 42
Pot Size: 3 Gallon Smart Pot
Soil: Long story short...The main Rootball is in Miracle Grow 3 month (I would say that 1 gal - 1.5 gal is in miracle grow that I couldnt get out during the transplant) The outside of that rootball is all Happy Frogs soil. So Miracle Grow surrounded by Happy Frog

Problem: After watering Turning Yellow All Over Plant and Leaves; Curled tips have been there for the past 4 weeks+ (from nitrogen not overwatering). The yellowing has also spread to top leaves quick. Bottom leaves are getting crispy..

Ive only ever used distilled water this entire grow with the exception of Mammoth P at 1/3 stregnth .015 in 1 gal last watering.

Yesterday I watered her 32oz of water and today she is dry 90-95% dry again. I am going to water her again shortly; only waiting on feedback.

What should I do?

Should I give a really good watering again? Add epsom salt / cal-mag? Wash it away? Each time I have watered I always water around the outside in hopes not to activate the miracle grow.. This time looks like it didnt work out..

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Below are Two Images of before the watering on Sunday...
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Brother, it looks like you have a few issues going on. N tox is very possible, especially with a hot soil. The clawing can be an indicator, but some strains just seem to do that no matter what (I can't see from the pics if you also have tip burn, but with excess N they go hand in hand).
Like @Yeatster mentioned, you can't withhold water to avoid hot soil! :pighug: especially when the bulk of your root zone is in the area you're only giving little sips to.:thumbsup:
If the MG was too hot, your seedlings would have been a smoking hole.
Now, on the water subject... why distilled? Most of what I'm seeing is stress and nute lockout, and distilled water is a bear to stabilize pH with.
I'll swing by your grow and catch up with what you have going. Don't give up, you may see a smaller harvest but I bet she'll still give you some amazing smoke!:toke:
It doesn't appear to be any toxicity from the MG. Looks to be a deficiency tbh. Don't take my word though. If nothing else, my rambling will attract traffic here.

Good luck!
Yep. And have a nosebleed for helping the brother out!
Brother, it looks like you have a few issues going on. N tox is very possible, especially with a hot soil. The clawing can be an indicator, but some strains just seem to do that no matter what (I can't see from the pics if you also have tip burn, but with excess N they go hand in hand).
Like @Yeatster mentioned, you can't withhold water to avoid hot soil! :pighug: especially when the bulk of your root zone is in the area you're only giving little sips to.:thumbsup:
If the MG was too hot, your seedlings would have been a smoking hole.
Now, on the water subject... why distilled? Most of what I'm seeing is stress and nute lockout, and distilled water is a bear to stabilize pH with.
I'll swing by your grow and catch up with what you have going. Don't give up, you may see a smaller harvest but I bet she'll still give you some amazing smoke!:toke:

"why distilled?" I have 3 seedlings going in Kind Soil / Happy Frog; so just been using the distilled water since it was available.

Not giving up either, this is only my first shot at growing and I defiantly did not get the best start; so the next grow should go superb! Im not expecting a big yield at all for this one; as Im just learning everything this grow. Hoping to get an close to an oz. :shrug:

Either way I appreciate all of your help and time guys. @Renaissance Redneck @Yeatster

I will use spring water and PH the next watering her shortly. Hopefully things improve in the next few days.
Remember, Brother, pH is King. :worship:
It determines our own health, as well as the health of any plant we grow, be it weed or tomatoes.
I would opt for spring water, but tap water is fine depending on ppm and removing chlorides.
MHO, distilled is poo, although I do use it to top off my battery:smoking:
Even if all you have is untested tap right now, I'd give her a good deep drink with about 20% runoff.