Indoor Help!!! My leaf tips are browning and the top leaves are curling under



I have 5 Onyx that are about 2.5 weeks from sprouting under 12 23w cfls and I just noticed today that the tips of most of the leaves are turning brown at the very tip. Also some of the top are curling under. Sorry I don't have any pics but please help! I'm thinking heat stress or nute burn?
What are they in? Soil, hydro, coco... nutes your feeding are... ? Pictures are worth a thousand words, though. How big is the cab? What's the air flow like? What's the interior temp? You see where I'm going with it, I hope. Needs me some mo' info. :)
Without pictures, please provide as much detail as possible.

I.E: Temperatures, how close are the lights, when was the last feeding? WHAT was the last feeding? (nute/water ratio). What's the medium? Any other symptomns besides browning leaf tips that are curling? Have the plants shown sex yet?
IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! lol, jk I thought the Title was somewhat humorous I used to freak like that if my canna didn't look like a magazine cover.
Don't fret too much I've seen these things pop right back from near death. Much like some of my tomatoes LOL. My first guess would be temps. second the beginning stages of nute lockout from ph imbalance
Ok 4 of 5 just showed sex today and are all female. I water twice a week and have only fed them once. I fed them a full dose of Alaska Fish Fert 5-1-1 about 3-4 days ago. The thing is I dont have a ph test kit so I know my water ph is too high, but with the summer heat the temps do get hotter than ideal in the 3x3x5 tent. Also, the fan I have on the plants fell of its base today leaving the plants pretty close to the light and nothing moving the air between them and the bulbs.
your not watering enough....................... thats my opinion from the info given
Upon further inspection there is some yellowing starting and the vains within the leaves. Now Im thinking lock out from the high ph. The temps with the fan going are right at 78 degrees.
temps are fine... sounds like maybe lockout... you need to get some ph test solution or a meter....

ph vs uptake.gifph vs uptake 2.jpg

pics would really help... and we need more info... if your water ph is real high... try adding a teaspoon per gallon of white vinegar... but def get a meter (preferably also a soil ph meter) ASAP..... hope this helps

probably should make your water sched a lil faster too... the yellowing eins thing is an issue... the water thing is easy... stick ur finger down to the second knuckle in your soil... feel how moist it is... should be slightly "damp" or "moist" is a better word... not saturated... not super dry either... a little dry between waterings ios ok... I usually have to water once every 2 days... then as flower comes on more often... in 2.5 gallon containers and liught soil.
Thanx John, after looking at that chart I should be on the edge but ok as far as ph level. I know my ph is higher than 6.5 but I wouldnt think its higher than 8. From the chart it looks like N is still available to roots at 8. Also, I did allow the soil to get really dry.