Help me diagnose this mephisto babe!!

Feb 8, 2016
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This is my 2nd grow and running a straight line of mephisto.

On This particular problem im uncertain if it is on my sour crack or a SODK +fantasmo i made a mistake and i mixed the seeds in the germination process. Maybe by the looks you all can help me deciding with wich one is wich.

Im using AN nutes (complete line from A to z)
Humidity is from 30-45
Temps are 78-80 (lights on) 68-75 (lights off) 18/6.

Im growing on 60%soiless mix 40%perlite on a 2 gls airpots.

Im on day 50 currenly feeding this:
2ml/L - Grow / Micro / Bloom / Big Bud/Bud Factor X 1ml/L - B52 / Sensizyme / Cal-Mag / Bud Candy

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This is my 2nd grow and running a straight line of mephisto.

On This particular problem im uncertain if it is on my sour crack or a SODK +fantasmo i made a mistake and i mixed the seeds in the germination process. Maybe by the looks you all can help me deciding with wich one is wich.

Im using AN nutes (complete line from A to z)
Humidity is from 30-45
Temps are 78-80 (lights on) 68-75 (lights off) 18/6.

Im growing on 60%soiless mix 40%perlite on a 2 gls airpots.

Im on day 50 currenly feeding this:
2ml/L - Grow / Micro / Bloom / Big Bud/Bud Factor X 1ml/L - B52 / Sensizyme / Cal-Mag / Bud Candy

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Also this are from the same girl
Cut out the gro, and feed with plenty of runoff, at day 50 they don't need so much nitrogen, I'm on day 55/60 using the trio in coco, I use 1 ml per US gallon, healthy plants, don't have no pics yet, coming soon, good luck.
:toke: AW- I need more pics in normal light of the affected leaves above in LED light! -(could be a K or P issue)....As for the others that are, hmmm, odd symptoms,...tissue dying back and drying so fast it's still green... smacks of a pH issue, locking out nutes and/or burning, get me a reading on that-- you know the drill! :rofl: Have I referred you to the sticky article here for the improved run-off testing method and calculation? --unless you have a quality pH probe (best by far),... Sao' might be onto something-- they leaves look a deep green, but pics can be deceiving at times,... TaNg has a schedule here for AN, and Grow isn't even in it I think! ..something to look up,...
Looks like magnesium deficiency to me. Just run a search on google for cannabis magnesium deficiency photos.

Get some Epson salt, dilute in water and spray on the plant, mine went away after a week or so. And my leaves looked just like that when it started.

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What are your opinions on watering to run off or not to run off? Maybe im overfeeding...

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...that's why I need reg. light pics,... more than one defc. can cause interveinal chlorosis, Mg is just the most common one, and until well advanced, typically doesn't cause edge/tip in necrosis, but P and K can; Mg defc. still might be a factor too! ...other pics of patchy spotting are not Mg defc. for sure,... with off pH, other symptoms can mix in with each other making diagnosis more difficult,... so colors, where on the plant symptoms are, nute specifics, etc. all are clues,... AW, when using synthetics, yes, water/feed to 10-20% r-o is a common recommendation to help avoid salt build-up... some do a full flush before switching to bloom nutes as well, especially if feeding pretty heavy,... you aren't though, at 2ml dosing, that's why I think more toward a pH issue.. AN can buffer a soluton okay, but it's not a panacea for in-media buffering! Way too much going on in there, especially soilless peat mixes with no lime sources,...
What are your opinions on watering to run off or not to run off? Maybe im overfeeding...

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You should get a monitor for that, so you always know what your levels are. It's as important as checking the PH in my opinion...

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How's she doing?

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Yeah see if you can get a few pics with the LEDs off, camera flash can help too. It's okay to turn the light off for a bit with autos, they won't freak out and go hermie like photoperiods haha. I keep a set of CFLs in my tent, with the LEDs on a separate switch I turn off when I'm working. That way even with photoperiods I can turn off the LEDs and still have light going for working and maintaining their light schedule.