New Grower Hello

Feb 4, 2016
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Hello...what I ask is alot for nothing ino but I really hope someone can help please.... I was wandering if anyone can help...... I have 10 ak48 auto fem seeds......2 600 watt hps bulbs a nice big fan and a big room with 10 2 gall pots 4 24(88) watt cfls.....right what I ask for is for someone to do me like time scale....when to pot....what do I first pot into?? When do I repot into 2, gall pots what soil to use what nutes and when to use nutes including veg nutes and root stimulation how long lights how close to seedlings how close to plants all I can buy is soil and all the different kind of nutes so could someone please help buy telling me what to do and when to do what to use when to use and the name of everything.....I ask this because I suffer alot of well inner issues and I find it very hard to understand when something isn't telling me personally message me comment and email it to me please I would really thank which ever person will do this to me plus if your experienced auto flower message me asap plz
Best advice I can give is to copy cat some ones grow that has a similar set up that grows the way you want to learn rather it be synthetic, soil or full organic. The way I am growing now is organic with out using bottled nutrients. I am on my second grow using this method. It is similar to growing with super soil. I have my veg soil and my bloom soil. If you look under the organic threads my current grow is under the name "Got some soil". Trying to create something that's easy to replicate with minimal amendments and cost. I flower in a 1 1/2 or 2 gallon pot tell day 30 and transplant in the flowing pot that's about 10 gallons tell plant is finished.
I am only on my 2nd grow and still playing with the mixtures but it might be worth watching. The goal is to get were I start in 1 pot for veg, transplant for bloom and only add water the whole grow with out worrying about PH.
The problem is for me is I have to use these pots for room wise.....I just wanted to no if some could give me soil and what alll nutes to use and when on AK 48 auto flower
Like I am extremely new first time I have 7 girls still pretty flowering just start ing to crystal but there on like week ten tho...still look like they need a month so I was going to do same but follow someone else's template as for first time
Hey Darren, I might be able to help you out a little. I've only grown ak48 once and it didn't auto. Other than that it seems like you got the right stuff. Do you need to grow 10 at a time? Can you break up your space and lights?
Hello thank you and ya mine didn't auto but did at the same time ... Yes I can brake up space and lights... But still have to be in same room so kinda can't
What do you normally run for dirt
hey stepside I was just wandering 2days-3 weeks a few plants are being chopped I was just wandering if you'd like an update and a few pics?