Live Stoner Chat hello im new need help


Dec 3, 2012
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I have 5 pyramid auto seeds 1 big devil 2 seed and 5 hindiana seeds by seeds of life they are all autos. i have 450 to spend on lights and need a dimmable ballast soft starting ar cooled reflector 1000 watt hps mh system. I allready have 5x5 ft tent ducting carbon fitlter and inline fan. i plan to plant the seeds in 5 gallon buckets because i dont want to cause undo stress on plants. need help on how to plant seeds in 5 gallon containers and help with buying a good 1000 watt light and ballast system. I need help as soon as possible please!!
i dont want to trans palnt the plants want to plant seeds in 5 gallon pots wher i will grow them to finish i
any thoughts im buying light system today
Mate,please be you can appreciate this forum has members from all over the world and your posts won't get instant replies,but it will get answered in time.i suggest you have a look here in the grow equipment section,there's 199 threads and you may find the info you need while you wait

And wecome to AFN bro :smokebuds:
Hello! And let me be the first to welcome you to AFN! It's a good place to be as there are loads of great people who love to help out. Let me say that 5 gallons is huge! Just know that you are going to need lots of water, good drainage and a clear cover for each bucket for your seedlings in the fist week of life. It helps retain humidity and provides a nice gentle environment for them to start out in as well as letting life giving light through. But I am sure there will be plenty of more advice coming your way.
I can't give any advice on the light since I am a dedicated t5 grower.

Again, welcome to AFN!!
Welcome to the community:group:bg. Red eyed gave a great thread for you. Much luck with getting all your gear set up.
Peace and one love:booya:
to ansewr the question about two log in names you all banned one because of spamming and banned it forever then i guess someone figured out it wasnt me then un banned me in the meantime i started a new account. i would rather have bg165 instead of john sims but forgot my password for bg165. I do not live in a legal stat so wish to be very safe thats why im so concerned about tha ballast because a soft starting ballast does not have the huge initial spike they look for when having a smart meter. the vendor of the ballast im looking at has assured me it is soft starting which from my research is the same for all digital ballast. sorry for being impatient but have been researching this for months and am ready. I am growing hindiana from seeds of life and northern lights auto from pyramid seeds and i have one big devil 2 auto. There are two reasons for using 5 gallon containers the first is with autos and their short life spans when planting in 5 gallon containers ph wont be an issue and the fact that i want to grow 8 plants under 1000 watt mh and hps and the type of plants i am growing they will be able to reach their full potential in 5 gallon square for good root development containers. what i need help with is germination and drainage. Need help with germination because i want to plant each seed in the 5 gallon container because you are not supposed to transplant autos period because it will cause stress and stunt growth. I also need help with drainage because i have no knowledge in this area. My question on germination is should i germinate using papertowel method then dropping sprouyted seed in container or planting it in container and letting nature take its course? Im just wondering if paper towel method will cause stress. Also alley walker what do you mean by plastic covers where do i get these how do i use them and how do i control humidity
Hey mate,I'm gonna delete your bg165 account if that's ok with you and you keep Johnsims :group: as for your germination question,I prefer to plant into the pot,not to deep and let nature take its course,iv never done the paper towel method though mate.:bong:
but covers and humidity were mentioned and how wet does the soil need to be? Im growing in a 5x5 tent with a 1000 watt cool tube that can be dimmed down to 500 watts. how warm does the temp need to be to get the seeds to sprout? Where do I get plastic covers for 5 gfallon square pots or can i use seran wrap? Do i poke holes in it so they can breath. Need more info seeds were not cheap.