Live Stoner Chat Hello Everyone

Mar 3, 2013
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Hello everyone. First time grower here and looking forward to all the help that I can find. Already found Muddy's guidelines and love them!!! In fact, that is the reason I registered here. I've got an auto biodiesel mass growing (1 plant). Thanks to the guidelines, she is growing super well. Soil grow with 2 65 watt, 6500 K cfl's until flower. Thanks so much for being here!!!! (otherwise, she'd probably be dead by now :p )!!!!
Hey Kat I moved this for you so you would have your own intro thread. a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN, nice to have you to join our family of Breeders

and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread with

all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of

knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links

threads. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and

enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.

TOKE OUT:smokebuds:
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Thanks, was wondering what the heck happened to it. :p Thanks for the warm welcome :) !! Can I post anything about my grow in here or do I make a separate thread for that too? Oh, by the way, how in the heck do I upload my pics here? I've looked and searched but get nowhere fast. I currently have 4 pics of my girl, but can't figure out how to get them from the comp to here. Thanks in advance for the help. :D
Thanks jm!! I am so new, I'm like soil that's never seen a plant. :p I sure do appreciate the response!! Thanks for the links, I hope they are better than the ones the search turned up. They were of no help at all.
Hi SlinkyKat, welcome to AFN. Everyone's really friendly and helpful here, so you've come to the right place :D


"New member's guide"
There's a few good link's in my sig.
please read the site rules
Any question's feel free to ask, If I don't know the answer's, I can tell you who will..​
@ jm, upload pics, how to insert pics, how to upload pics and maybe a few others that I can't remember now. :p
Welcome to the oh so fucking(oh excuse me) wonderful Autoflower Cannabis Network. I have a feeling you'll fit right in. :D
We are glad to have you and want you to make yourself at home. :smokebuds: :bong: :dance2:

Pics? Click on Go Advanced under where you type instead of "Quick Reply". Then scroll down to Manage Attachments and basically follow what's going on if you're fairly competent with computers. Upload and add in.

You're already an AFN Novice at 10 posts and have an awesome Avatar, which is strange at this point. I am totally OK with that just babbling. :D Take care you. :D