Live Stoners Hello all

Aug 14, 2019
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hello all, just found this great little forum and have been doing tons of reading the past few days.
Not new to growing but it’s been a long time and this time I thought I’d try some autos. So far not much luck with them.
I may start another thread and show my non growing grow. So far I’m at 3 weeks and they’re not moving at all.
Hope to see you all around here :toke:
welcome to afn
Welcome. You could go to the Infirmary and fill out the form to get you the help you need.
hello all, just found this great little forum and have been doing tons of reading the past few days.
Not new to growing but it’s been a long time and this time I thought I’d try some autos. So far not much luck with them.
I may start another thread and show my non growing grow. So far I’m at 3 weeks and they’re not moving at all.
Hope to see you all around here :toke:
sorry to hear your grows are failing hope we can get it right for you. :bong:
hello all, just found this great little forum and have been doing tons of reading the past few days.
Not new to growing but it’s been a long time and this time I thought I’d try some autos. So far not much luck with them.
I may start another thread and show my non growing grow. So far I’m at 3 weeks and they’re not moving at all.
Hope to see you all around here :toke:

hey @Nokie and :welcome: to afn! :toke: lol "non growing grow" :rofl: yupperz, jus fire up a grow journal givin us all the juicy detailz & we'll help out as best we can :thumbsup: u'll probly hafta be sure & tag me in tho, cuz me get stoned & miss shit in here all the time, lol :rofl: to tag someone, jus put the @ in front of their name, like me did for u...ez pz ;) and btw, luv the pupper :biggrin:

ppp & cya round the farm! :headbang:

:420: :cools:
hey @Nokie and :welcome: to afn! :toke: lol "non growing grow" :rofl: yupperz, jus fire up a grow journal givin us all the juicy detailz & we'll help out as best we can :thumbsup: u'll probly hafta be sure & tag me in tho, cuz me get stoned & miss shit in here all the time, lol :rofl: to tag someone, jus put the @ in front of their name, like me did for u...ez pz ;) and btw, luv the pupper :biggrin:

ppp & cya round the farm! :headbang:

:420: :cools:
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I’m counting these up as a loss but they’re still in the tent. They’re almost a month and about the size of my thumb. No idea why I’m having trouble this time. Must be because I’m not used to autos.
I need to get some beans from Mephisto and start again and on that one I will have a journal up.