Live Stoner Chat Hello AFN!

Jul 7, 2013
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Hello guys (and gals)! Long time lurker, finally ready to jump into the deep end endafter being inspired by the sucess that I have seen on these forums. After reading copious amounts of information and grow logs, Im ready to rock! I started a grow journal to record my first ever grow, if anyone cares to follow me along on my journey

There is such a wealth of information here, and lots of friendly vibes.I look forward to interacting with you all, and hopefully as I learn more I can pay it forward! Knowledge is power. :group:
Great to see you made it over to the introduction threads! :welcome: I've read your grow journal, and I must say great start. Looks like you've already caught the grow infection, to which there is but one cure, GROWING MORE! Evil Laugh x
Thanks for stopping by! And yeah it seemed to take hold before i even started started haha. Good thing for me the only cure I seek is the one for sobriety :bong:
Welcome to AFNlogo Skatterbrayne! :smokebuds:
Hi Brayney :)

Welcome to the forums mate :)
I'm going over to check your thread right now!!

All the best
Blue ^_^
Welcome to the AFN family SkatterBrayne High 5 We`re happy that you decided to join us :tiphat: Great knowledge, awesome people. u`l love it bro :thumbs: do not hesitate to ask if you got any questions bud :peace:
BIG STINKY DANK WELCOME for for you SB:smokebuds:now watch your fan base grow
Welcome to the AFN family SkatterBrayne, glad to see you hit the ground running. About to check out your thread now.

welcome brother. as you already know best forum on the web mate. gettin a bit sick of sayin it to be honest.
can we put up a sticky sayin how great we all are? we might get away with it.
:tiphat: a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN, nice to have you join our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links threads. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.
