Live Stoner Chat hello afn

Jan 18, 2013
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Hi all... I've been watching for a long time...but alkways afraid to join... what can you tell me about afn that i dont know from watching?

You guys all seem real nice...

Hi all... I've been watching for a long time...but alkways afraid to join... what can you tell me about afn that i dont know from watching?

You guys all seem real nice...

welcome to afn! so glad you found us!

well it obvious afn is the all time greatest auto flower site on the web!!!:toke:
Hi all... I've been watching for a long time...but alkways afraid to join... what can you tell me about afn that i dont know from watching?

You guys all seem real nice...


Welcome Kaiser! :smokebuds:

I can tell you a bit about afn, but I don't know which one you mean...
AFN Assembly of First Nations
AFN Alaska Federation of Natives
AFN American Forces Network
AFN Ancestral File Number (FamilySearch genealogy records)
AFN Armed Forces Network
AFN Alesco Financial Inc (stock symbol)
AFN Afghan Afghani (new ISO currency code)
AFN Additional Funds Needed
AFN All For Now (used at end of email)
AFN America's Fiber Network (LLC)
AFN American Forensic Nurses
AFN Advanced Fiber Network
AFN ATS Facilities Notification
AFN Adoption Family Network
AFN All For Naught
AFN Aggregate Function Network
AFN Asociación Futuro de los Niños (Association for the Future of Children, Guatemala)
AFN Acronym For Nothing
AFN Address Complete Message Subscriber Free, No Charge (ANSI)
AFN Alternative Fuel News (publication; US Department of Energy)
AFN Australian Fishing Network (publisher)
AFN Association Française de Nutrition (French: French Association of Nutrition)
AFN Aboriginal First Nations (Canada)
AFN Afrique Française du Nord (French: French North Africa)
AFN The Autoflower Network

The last one is the "You Are Here" one. It's basically just about a bunch of cool people growing good weed, many growing their own cool meds.
Oh, I know.. :idea: This one you probably won't know from just watching:

JM wears Tu-Tu's while mowing the lawn and is naked when he uses the weed-whacker! He doesn't mind us talking about it either, so if you'd like me to elaborate, just ask.
Happy Growing Kaiser! :smokebuds: