Honey Hugger ...
My last six plants had a problem w/ stunting. I'm using 40 LED watts / sq ft so I have enough light (Advanced LEDs). I mixed my 100% Organic soil w/ about 20% Perlite. The plants all were stunted. Each time I flushed I was surprised how heavy the wet pots were (not my first grow) and how long they stayed very heavy. When I harvested the roots were primarily in the top half of the 3 gal pots I was using ... they were not at all rootbound. This was my first grow w/ this soil and I can't say I've ever had this problem before. Nutes were Farmers Pride 3 part organic. Aside from stunted the plants were all healthy. When dry the soil was nice and loose and airy, once wet it stayed water logged for at least a week. PH ran about 6.2 for the entire grow.
So ... Will too heavy a soil stunt a plants growth ?
So ... Will too heavy a soil stunt a plants growth ?