New Grower Hay, It's me again/Got a question about RH

Dec 5, 2015
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Do u know any little tips on RH. I have a 4 pint dehumidifier and it's keeping it around 50%, but I do want to lower it a little bit. Thanks:pass:
Do u know any little tips on RH. I have a 4 pint dehumidifier and it's keeping it around 50%, but I do want to lower it a little bit. Thanks:pass:

I think anywhere from 50-62% is recommended.
Do u know any little tips on RH. I have a 4 pint dehumidifier and it's keeping it around 50%, but I do want to lower it a little bit. Thanks:pass:
typically I do research first instead of asking stupid basic questions, thats just a general tip
I assume you've done some type of research since you have a dehumidifier. If you have a dollar store in your area you can check it for those small moisture capture doohickies they work but consider your space and the fact they seem to need time to activate the silica. They're a buck so take a 10 spot and find what works. Goodluck!