Outdoor Hawaiian Skunk Haze planting time

Jan 21, 2014
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I just remembered I had 5 seeds in the fridge from 2014. High time I use them or lose them. In US northeast can I start germing them on July 1st, grow them outdoors and have them mature for harvest with enough time for the harvest to be normal? Acc. the blogs the flower period is about 75 days. These are photos so adjust total time accordingly.
I am just guessing, but I guess no. A pureblood sativa will have a really hard time flowering outdoors in time especially considering it wouldnt be very mature. I believe the problem would be that it would trigger into flower too late.
Negative ghost rider, not if you want decent smoke. Sativas tend to go significantly longer than Indicas, especially in outdoor grows. Save them for next spring, man. You're looking at a minimum of 100-120 days for a pureblood growroom sativa, outdoors means minimum 120 to 160 days for finished buds. Seeds stored at 33f to 41f and 10% to 25% humidity can last as long as five years, some anecdotal accounts speak of ten years or longer.
With a super long flower period of 75 days, I'd hold off until next year. I ran a couple of Sativas last year and ran into weather trouble in October because the darn things just wouldn't finish up.
Kind of too late to hold off. All 5 seeds are successfully germinated. But if it can't work I'll have to let it go to waste.

The thing I can't reconcile is this: Around here daylight hours don't drop to 12 hours till the last week of September. So flowering won't get triggered till beginning October no matter what photo plant it is. It gets cold around here late autumn so I don't see how there's enough time for a plant to finish. What am I not getting?
Kind of too late to hold off. All 5 seeds are successfully germinated. But if it can't work I'll have to let it go to waste.

The thing I can't reconcile is this: Around here daylight hours don't drop to 12 hours till the last week of September. So flowering won't get triggered till beginning October no matter what photo plant it is. It gets cold around here late autumn so I don't see how there's enough time for a plant to finish. What am I not getting?

Can I do it outdoors in a big pot and finish it indoors?
Can I do it outdoors in a big pot and finish it indoors?

I think this would be your only option.

As for the flowering, most plants seem to start flowering When there is more like 14 hours, I have two males that have started flowering already and there is still over 16 hours here. Some plants like MOB start flowering as soon as they are getting less than 18 hours of light, bit those are rare.
Can I do it outdoors in a big pot and finish it indoors?
Hey I grew these seeds outdoors and they didn't start flowering till shortly after the autumnal equinox. They are beautiful plants with purple stems and branches. They were tall plants with bud sites all down the length of the stem forming giant colas. I chose to kill the two I had because I it was the first week in October and they were small buds just starting to form resin. I didn't think it would be worth my time because I live in the Midwest. I wish I would have left them to see how long they lasted though.