Having issues with my Onyx and Auto Assassin



Hi, I'm hoping I can get a diagnosis on this issue thats taking over my auto garden. I'm growing in promix hp with added perlite under a 1000w hps.

All my autos seem to be showing these brown spots. The ph has not been off, and the issues seemed to coincide with switching to flowering nutrients. A 50/50 mix of the vegging stuff I was using and a flowering nutrient. I was watering regularly with h202 (hydrogen peroxide) which I stopped because I thought it could be the h202 poisoning so I stopped that a few days ago when I flushed it, and I fed with a cal-mag booster last night along with the regular nutrients. Things look much worse this morning.

Thanks!! Im getting really worried, its my first auto grow.

What's the pH and PPM going in and coming out? Also not a good idea with the h202 that stuff kills off the micro herd in the promix.
How old are they? The hydrogen peroxide kills microrganisms and thats A bad thing.If they are still small I would repot them in some fresh nute free soil and leave them along for a while, maybe aweek or so then give them a light solution of high nitrogen nutes.what type of soil are you using and are you checking your ph.Good luck.
just like anything else in nature tooooo much will toxify and sterilize the soil a small amount will enhance amount of hydrogen already found in medium but like others gets depleated w/ usage much of the reason ph fluctuates more during light cycle and atoms are exchanged at a faster rate this produces acids from roots give off and will lower ph the reason lime is added but the hydrogen is aeven more needed in wetter and colder soil because room for oxygen is squeezed off so it is needed to ehchange hydrogen atoms aiding in the amount of available ions needed for proper digestion of more complex compounds especially found in organics which require more energy and alonger time to digest as per organics compaired to chem fert offering immediate absorbtion to roots
like tooo much chem fert is bad for organics in soil but alittle shores up things that need immediate release and absorbtion and will actually produce less stress on roots from struggling from depletions that might not yet be visible to the naked eye but on a cellular level already present
the bottom line is hydrogen and oxygen are crutial for microbes to thrive and reproduce to accomidate new root growth
the right balance is critical of course like w/ everything else but the hardest part is monitoring the increased ph change due to microbes working overdrive
if the right amount of hydrogen and oxygen aren't present microbes can't even process the extra sugars added like molasses
if one expects the plant to breakdown the sugars introduced it also needs replenishment of other things rapidly used
w/o hydrogen and oxygen this process can't be started
in a cold waterring colder medium present it is even more crutial to replenish the oxygen and hydrogen that are starved out from over saturation issue which will absorb salts aiding in the lockout saturation
colder water will hold more oxygen and hydrogen atoms but tooo cold will increase ph so high plants can't exchange and lock out occurs to be short
An easy fix for the microherd is to simply root drench with great white, voodoo juice, subculture b & m, or myco based product. I had this happen when I tried re using my promix last grow. Simply full strength root drench until you get about 20% runoff and it will not only help fix ph issues but it will totally reestablish your microherd in about a week. Just my two cents :bong:
if somebody stored the promix in a composter temp environment before selling microbes could be killed as well
point is w/o the proper amount of hydrogen and oxygen you will kill the same microbes
if too much hydrogen peroxide it will be too much of an oxidizer and is currosive to delicate biology but this is in higher ratios
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can never go wrong adding to the herd the larger the herd the more they can absorb
Sure looks like a cal/mag deficiency to me, which is fairly common with a lot of auto strains, including these two. I would give them a foliar spray or two with about 1 teaspoon of cal/mag to a quart of water. Make sure you hit the underside of the leaves as well.