Nutrients Has anyone used Sunleaves Base/PK booster/Root/Silica?

Jan 7, 2020
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Sunleaves Base 8-5-13 is found only at Grow Generation. I went there to look for some Coco (they were out) and they started chatting with me about it. He compared it to Athena which is another I know nothing about, but apparently, it's what a lot of the commercial growers around OK are using. They just do not have a small product for home growers. He said the base could be used as-is and it would work. He said that other stuff can help but he recommends just recharge and fish shit to help build better flavors.

It was cheap. $11 for a 1lb. That is 454g. 1g = 120ppm, so I figure I can make about 100gal+ of nutrient mix for $11, and I have fish shit and recharge at home. Why not? I also bought a bag of Maxibloom to mess around with the Lucas formula.

When I got home, I started reading about it and couldn't find much information. Looking at the ingredient list, I doesn't mention all 14 nutrients needed. Could these be in there in small amounts and just not mentioned? This is the same with the maxibloom. If it grows a good plant, does it have all the nutrients and just not list them?

Anyways, I watched their produced video on it and they said they did research to beat their competitors and then directly compared their products. They compared their Base and PK booster to Veg+Bloom and Shine. Their Root to H&Gs roots excelurator and their silicon to Elite 91 Silicate Acid. Those are some pretty bold comparisons to some good products.

I have a new seedling that just popped up about 3 days ago and she was going into her pot tonight. So that is what she got started with. I will probably start a grow journal to keep track of it and the next I run with Maxibloom.

Has anyone used this product or the comparables? If so, how do they perform?