New Grower Has Anyone ever received one of these in mail?

Sep 23, 2014
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Everything arrived as it should inside package but this was also inside.

photo (1).JPG
Stay out of my mail big bro.
Dont you have other things to worry about.
seems like they didnt find anthing :'D
I get those in my baggage when I travel by air about 25% of the time. Never seen one in a package.
It was a seed order and it looks like to me that everything worked out like it was suppose to. It just freaked me out. Props to If anyone has a different opinion please let me know.
Everything arrived as it should inside package but this was also inside.

View attachment 434806

Almost every time I get on a flight. Normally that is a notice that your luggage was searched at an airport inside the US. Never seen it used in a mail item though.
Maybe they are using the TSA to bypass search restrictions within the US? I know customs can open packages without a warrant issued by a judge but once it is inside the boundaries of the US it is officially US mail and there has to be a warrant issued. That is, so long as it was mailed using the US Postal Service. UPS, FedEx, DHL aren't obligated to comply because it is legally considered their package until it is released to you so they can open or authorize it to be opened by LEO.

That is interesting, the more I think about it. I am going to do some research.
At least they let you know they have been snooping around. In my country we dont have even that. They just snoop around anything they like and put you on some list based on their findings that you never get to see or hear about. Then they come without a warrant because they dont need one and kicks in your door, steals half your stuff and throws you in jail for 3 days for questioning.