ictured here 3 - 54 day old Barney's Farm Little Cheese autoflowers. I have nothing to complain about. Im happier with these plants than any I have ever grown. Only its a ruderalis strain. The strain is listed with a medium flowering time but Im not sure what that means. The lifespan of autoflowers is short but at 54 days there are still erect white pistils everywhere. None browned. Its hard to imagine cutting them down in 6-15 days (60-69 days). Ive worked with trichomes with term plants but Im not sure if thats gonna happen with autos. Can I try to use the old tried and true of cloudy trichomes? Is that true of Autoflowers? They have had female flowers from the 4th week on. It is hard to imagine harvesting the plant in 65-69 days.
How can I tell if it TIME?

How can I tell if it TIME?