Mephisto Genetics Harvest window for Medicinal Strains

Dec 28, 2018
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I haven’t seen any recent discussion about best harvest windows for med strains for quite some time. Now that Mephisto has so many new med strains I was wondering if folks harvest at the same trichome ripeness that they go by for straight up THC strains. To be clear I’m asking about CBD/THC strains like Aunt Ginny’s Elixir and Canna Cheese strains. I typically try to harvest with all trichomes cloudy. Lab testing my buds has shown I get the most THC/THCa this way. Of course we all know that doesn’t always work out in the real world, so often it’s some clear, mostly cloudy, and some amber when I harvest. So I’m sticking with that, unless we learn something new.
Ive got a beautiful Aunt Ginny’s Elixir getting close, and just curious if the community has any new insight into the CBD/thc window? Do you folks harvest at the same time as for a THC strain, or…?
Just curious
I was wondering if folks harvest at the same trichome ripeness that they go by for straight up THC strains
Came across this and wondered, did you ever get any response or feedback?

I typically try to harvest with all trichomes cloudy. Lab testing my buds has shown I get the most THC/THCa this way.
Curious since you may know some of your harvest's THC ... Did you ever grow some 14% that messed you up good, but some 24% that was just okay? :baked:
So I didnt get any feedback and just did what I normally do, and harvested with basically all cloudy. This was Aunt Ginny’s Elixir 1:1 . I took her to the lab and she came back 8.94% CBD and 7.75 THC. That’s pretty tight for a 1:1.
The full potency test is below in case anyone wants to view all the numbers.
I was going to make a new thread for the results with pics, but I’m not so sure folks are interested in med strains.
Came across this and wondered, did you ever get any response or feedback?

Curious since you may know some of your harvest's THC ... Did you ever grow some 14% that messed you up good, but some 24% that was just okay? :baked:
I’ve never had tested stuff with a spread that far, 10%. But I tested a Sour Stomper x Double Grape that came back at 20% THC and a Double Grape x Skywalker that came back at 25% THC. They were the same round of plants and went to the lab at the same time. I swore up and down before going to the lab that the SSxDG was higher THC based on the high. The lab terp tested my DG x SW and it was rich in terps at 3.71 with beta Mycrene being 2.52%. I think the Mycrene kind of masked the real high THC characteristics. I also think that there certainly are terps that make stuff seem strong too. That entourage effect is an interesting critter.
Here are the results In case it’s interesting. In hind site, I wish I would have terps tested on the SSxDG but it is what it is.

How can I not share with the only kind soul to reply here!
Its always quite interesting when the numbers come back.
Now that I think about it, I never mentioned this in the post above with Aunt Ginny’s results. So I dropped Aunt Ginny off at the lab on like a Thursday and didnt get results back till Monday. In the meantime I smoked some and made Gummies and had 4 days to play with it. I was pretty convinced that this was going to be a 20% THC strain, and it specifically felt like a 15-20% THC sativa dom. Nope I got exactly what I was after. She was a 1:1 as advertised.
I bet that fits your 14% vs 24% kind of question.
was pretty convinced that this was going to be a 20% THC strain, and it specifically felt like a 15-20% THC sativa dom. Nope I got exactly what I was after. She was a 1:1
That's fascinating that it felt that way, but it was the 1:1 (at ~half the assumed THC). That is the stuff I was interested in...very cool :baked:
That's fascinating that it felt that way, but it was the 1:1 (at ~half the assumed THC). That is the stuff I was interested in...very cool :baked:
I was really surprised by the nice high from that 1:1. I describe the high like this, if you take a sativa dom buzz and chop the ‘high peaks’ of it that’s this 1:1. Like just before you get “too high”, it plateaus out and stays at that level for quite a while. It’s very much not an indica like buzz, which is kind of what I was thinking. Folks always say CBD can be sedating, but this doesn’t seem to be at all. For folks seeking a daytime high, this would probably fit the bill.
I make killer gummies, normally from THC only weed. I made a couple batches of these in small molds and we call em ’old man magic’. They do wonders for those pains and injuries we seem to have as we get older. It’s like taking 2 Tylenol ( thc for pain) plus 2 Ibuprofen (CBD for swelling) without the gut rot, and a little buzz to boot.
Great stuff OS. Our Aunt Ginny's tester really similar so good to see the 1:1 is holding strong. Seen a few at 2:1 cbd thc but mostly at the 1:1. I don't have any good info on the harvest window for CBD dominants strains, we have just been harvesting as normal. Id imagine the hemp guys have some good info on cbd harvests but would have to do some digging.

I agree on the 1:1 being a very enjoyable high. Its my preferred smoke these days. The cbd takes the edge off and reduces the possible anxiety effects of really strong cannabis. I think a lot more people should try it out and not overlook them because they are med strains. More cbd stuff in the works, should see them early in 24.
Great stuff OS. Our Aunt Ginny's tester really similar so good to see the 1:1 is holding strong. Seen a few at 2:1 cbd thc but mostly at the 1:1. I don't have any good info on the harvest window for CBD dominants strains, we have just been harvesting as normal. Id imagine the hemp guys have some good info on cbd harvests but would have to do some digging.

I agree on the 1:1 being a very enjoyable high. Its my preferred smoke these days. The cbd takes the edge off and reduces the possible anxiety effects of really strong cannabis. I think a lot more people should try it out and not overlook them because they are med strains. More cbd stuff in the works, should see them early in 24.
Thanks Stan! My pleasure passing on lab tests and real world obsevations. Ive done some more research and thinking on this. For a 1:1 a person may want to consider if they want the benefit of CBG. I ended up with 1% CBG which is perfect for a person seeking more med type properties and the calmness. Generally with a THC only strain I like ro see CBG at less than 0.5%. So if no CBG is desired, perhaps letting them go until say 20% amber might be preferred over harvesting at all cloudy. Thats just a thought, and my theory may be flawed, Im pretty new to the game of going after cannabinoids besides THC. But thats how you get these good convos going!
Happy New years eve!